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Best lore education?


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im wondering what the best way to educate oneself about the general AoS lore is. What books, websites do u recomend? The goal is to clear some haze and understand whats has actually happened and whats happening right now


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Normally I'd suggest reading the novels that pertain to the actual progressive storyline. But GW didn't have two of their campaign books wrote into novels iirc.

So, while they are a bit expensive as a book, they are packed full of content - Realmgate Wars campaign books. The stories all center on the main timline of events.

GW said that AoS will be a progress storyline... so we expect the new campaign and such to come out this year as Realmgate Wars finished up late last year.

Also... for current events, possibly prelude to next campaign and story arc, I recommend the novel 'City of Secrets ' by Nick Horth.

Aside from that, if you'd rather listen to in depth coverage of each Realmgate Wars book instead of reading, then I suggest downloading the free podcast of Garagehammer with titles that corresponds to the book review. Also, Mortal Realms podcast does a good in depth review and discussion as well.

Hope this helps.

- Cedric

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There is an excellent thread on TGA the compiles all of the lore from each faction book so far.

I currently think this is one of the best compiles sources avaliable as the current wiki's are still to sparsely populated to be all that clear IMO

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