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Newbie army idea, looking for advice


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Hi everyone, I'm giving AOS a try starting with Death. I played Undead way back in the day, and Vampire Counts more recently, but I wasn't involved in the hobby when the Old World ended and AOS started so I'm still getting my bearings with the game. My dilemma as a new player is a good one, in that I love the undead and pretty much love every last thing available to the Death Grand Alliance. So I thought I'd come up with a theme and go from there, rather than shoving things randomly into an army list. So I thought of going undead Bretonnian, hordes of 'peasant' infantry, plentiful cavalry, maybe some damsel vampires. I wanted to shoot some ideas out there and ask the veterans here if they'd work.

1. Battleline: Just to make sure I'm doing this right, if I'm using units from multiple Death factions that limits my Battleline options to skeletons and zombies, yes? Lurking here I've seen large spear/shield skeleton units favored, so I'd like one of those (men at arms). To fill out the rest of any battleline requirements I thought of deploying individual units of zombies (peasant levies), keep them near each other, then merge them as needed. I'm curious if that's a viable tactic, and if I'm bringing a lot of zombies should I invest in a corpse cart?

2. Cavalry: I've read great things about Blood Knights and they totally fit the theme. I like both Hexwraiths and Black Knights and have read threads debating their virtues, but I'd like to take both when possible. If you were fielding a single unit of each of these three cavalry units, what sizes would you use?

3. Heroes: I don't really know what heroes benefit this sort of army, or where to put them. I want at least a Necromancer, a Wight King with a Standard in some form, and a Vampire Lord. The Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon is my second favorite model so I'd like one eventually. The Coven Throne is my #1 favorite model but I don't really know what you do with it. I'm clueless about Mortarchs. I'm also unsure of who makes the best choice of general for such an army (do I want the biggest most kill-tastic hero for general, or something further from the front line?).

I do like the Flesh Eater Courts and they fit the twisted Bretonnian concept well, but I get the impression they get better synergy sticking inside their own faction and I enjoy variety. Also I know this is all a bit open-ended, I'm still trying to figure out where to start and where to go with so many options. So that's my army concept, just curious how viable an idea it is. And please, be brutal, I don't totally know how everything works as I'm still learning. I don't own any models yet so I can gut anything and everything, stitch it into something better, and give it unholy life.

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You can also use ghouls as battline, I use the ghoul patrol as my battleline.


i feel blood Knights are best used in units of 5 to take advantage of their special rule gaining a slain model.

black knights best ran in 10+ and used as a tarpit (my thoughts anyway)


hex wraiths i havent looked looked into using so I'm not sure sorry

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Thank you. I must he wrong about ghouls, I thought they only counted as battleline in FEC. Still learning :) I had seen another post somewhere advising to retreat black knights, regeneration from their banner, and charge again repeatedly. Curious how well that works.

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