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First battle report: Tzeentch vs Ogors [video]


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Hi there, 

Me and my friend Dan have a Youtube battle report channel called Ye Olde Battle Reps. Dan has decided to jump in to AoS with a boatload (discload?) of the new Tzeentch stuff (I must admit the models are amazing), so we'll probably be doing some AoS battle reps from time to time. As for me, err... well, let's not talk about that :P Dan will also be doing some hobby stuff such an unboxing (there's a Tzeentch unboxing video also up on our channel) and painting videos etc for AoS. 

Here's our first report, Tzeentch vs Ogors!

WARNING: Armies 'from the Grey Isles' contained within! We wanted to get a report up but we had only just assembled our models so unfortunately there are no pretty painted models, it's mostly grey plastic. Hopefully that will be rectified in the near future!

It'd be awesome if you could give the video a Like and maybe even subscribe to the channel if you liked it. Like I said there may not be a ton of AoS battle reports (although Dan might play against some other (more enthusiastic!) people and film those games too) but there'll probably be a few hobby-related videos too.


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