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Clan Eshin themed - 1000, 1500, 2000 and 2500 lists


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As time progresses my Skaven army is finally taking shape. Most of my conversions are done and I want with a Japanese army look, following Clan Eshin 'theme'.

I have a few miniatures to share, even though they still need some detail work and highlighting done (screaming bell ropes, skin fixes, etc). I apologize for the messy backgrounds, I will be putting up pictures with less background clutter soon.

Any advice how to improve the painting are greatly appreciated too! :)

My Tretch - Skaven Shogun


Slaughterpriest (I am hoping to use this one as a proxy of some sort):


Skaven assassin:


Screaming bell with "glow" (thanks Dez for the tip!), still need to fix the ropes:




As for the lists I am aiming for and wondering for some feedback, I am still uncertain what artifacts/traits to take, so I pretty much selected random ones for now:

1000 list:



Allegiance: Chaos

Verminlord Deceiver (320)
- General
- Trait: Cunning Deceiver
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
Skaven Assassin (100)
- Weeping Blades
- Artefact: Beguiling Gem
Skaven Assassin (100)
- Fighting Claws
- Artefact: Chaos Runeblade
Deathrunner (120)
- Artefact: Favour of the Gods
Skaven Assassin (100)
- Weeping Blades
- Artefact: Chaos Runeblade

20 x Night Runners (200)
- Eshin Battleline

5 x Gutter Runners (60)

Total: 1000/1000






Allegiance: Chaos

Verminlord Deceiver (320)
- General
- Trait: Cunning Deceiver
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
Skaven Assassin (100)
- Weeping Blades
Deathrunner (120)
Deathrunner (120)
Deathmaster Snikch (120)
Deathrunner (120)

20 x Night Runners (200)
- Eshin Battleline
10 x Night Runners (100)
- Eshin Battleline
10 x Night Runners (100)
- Eshin Battleline

10 x Gutter Runners (120)

Eshin Clawpack (80)

Total: 1500/1500






Allegiance: Chaos

Screaming Bell (260)
- Artefact: Favour of the Gods
Verminlord Deceiver (320)
- General
- Trait: Terrifying Presence
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
Tretch Craventail (100)
Skaven Warlord (100)
- Warpforged Blade
- Artefact: Chaos Runeblade

40 x Clanrats (240)
- Rusty Spear
10 x Clanrats (60)
- Rusty Blade
10 x Clanrats (60)
- Rusty Blade
3 x Stormfiends (300)
- Warpfire Projectors
- Skryre Battleline

20 x Stormvermin (280)
- Halberd
1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (60)
1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (60)
1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (60)

Verminus Clawpack (80)

Total: 1980/2000






Allegiance: Chaos

Tretch Craventail (100)
Verminlord Deceiver (320)
- General
- Cunning Deceiver
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
Screaming Bell (260)
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
Deathmaster Snikch (120)
Deathrunner (120)
- Artefact: Favour of the Gods
Slaughterpriest (100)
- Hackblade and Wrath Hammer
- Artefact: Chaos Runeblade

40 x Clanrats (240)
- Rusty Spear
30 x Clanrats (180)
- Rusty Spear
10 x Clanrats (60)
- Rusty Blade

30 x Stormvermin (420)
- Halberd & Shield
3 x Stormfiends (300)
- Warpfire Projectors
- Skryre Battleline
1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (60)
1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (60)
1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (60)

Verminus Clawpack (80)

Total: 2480/2500



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Bang up job, I can't love that Assassin enough! Amazing! The only thing I'm not convinced about is the samurai, I think the mask doesn't work. Great job on the glow :) One other thing I'd recommend is a wash on the flesh tones, you could use Agrax Earth in the recesses or just hit it with Reikland Flesh.

1000 Point List: Artifacts/Command Traits You can only take one per army, with an additional artifact granted for every Battalion that you take. Playing Skaven, the Crown of Command is the best choice though I wouldn't take it on the Deceiver. He should be out killing Warmachines and heroes, though with his speed he could be back in the thick of things pretty fast. Also, Weeping Blades all day every day on Assassins :) For a Command Trait, I'd consider taking Great Destroyer to potentially boost your Night Runners hitting on a rerollable 3+. 

You need 2 Battleline units at 1000 points. Now you run into the problem that Night Runners will die in droves if they get the hiccups :) They will be carrying your Assassins (the Deceiver cannot) so you need these units to be bigger...especially if you plan on getting objectives. What I'd consider is dropping some of the heroes and having 2 bulked up units of Night Runners. In Combat, Night Runners are 4+ 4+ and on a 6 to wound gain rend -1. If there are 20+ in the unit, it's a -2 rend on a 6. You are going to need the numbers (and Inspiring Presence) on these guys. The other thing you can do is take the Eshin Clawpack, which drastically speeds up your army and turns up their killing power when they reroll to wound. If you take the Crown of Command on the Deceiver, you can cast Inspiring Presence twice which you will need.

Here are a couple example lists that will work while keeping the theme:


Allegiance: Chaos

Verminlord Deceiver (320)
- General
- Trait: Great Destroyer
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
Skaven Assassin (100)
- Weeping Blades

20 x Night Runners (200)
- Eshin Battleline
30 x Night Runners (300)
- Eshin Battleline

5 x Gutter Runners (60)

Total: 980/1000


Allegiance: Chaos

Skaven Assassin (100)
- Weeping Blades
- Artefact: Chaos Runeblade
Verminlord Deceiver (320)
- General
- Trait: Great Destroyer
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest

20 x Night Runners (200)
- Eshin Battleline
10 x Night Runners (100)
- Eshin Battleline
10 x Night Runners (100)
- Eshin Battleline

5 x Gutter Runners (60)

Eshin Clawpack (80)

Total: 960/2000


Allegiance: Chaos

Skaven Assassin (100)
- Weeping Blades
- Artefact: Chaos Runeblade
Verminlord Deceiver (320)
- General
- Trait: Great Destroyer
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
Skaven Assassin (100)
- Weeping Blades

30 x Night Runners (300)
- Eshin Battleline
30 x Night Runners (300)
- Eshin Battleline
20 x Night Runners (200)
- Eshin Battleline

5 x Gutter Runners (60)

Eshin Clawpack (80)

Total: 1460/1500


Allegiance: Chaos

Skaven Assassin (100)
- Weeping Blades
- Artefact: Chaos Runeblade
Verminlord Deceiver (320)
- General
- Trait: Great Destroyer
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
Skaven Assassin (100)
- Weeping Blades
Deathrunner (120)

40 x Night Runners (400)
- Eshin Battleline
40 x Night Runners (400)
- Eshin Battleline
40 x Night Runners (400)
- Eshin Battleline

5 x Gutter Runners (60)

Eshin Clawpack (80)

Total: 1980/2000

I like your 2000 point list, it's super solid and competetive. I've been winning a lot with a very similar list, it does everything you need it to in each scenario. Tretch is so good! The Bell can be great at 3 Places of Power too. The only thing that I really do different is take an Arch Warlock, he is just super tanky and can cast Shield on himself while using his signature spell to put out mortal wounds.

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Hey Dez! :)

Thanks for your feedback. As for the samurai I am also not entirely happy with the face/mask. The other thing that I dislike about the model is the skin underneat the armour. I was originally planning to give him greenstuff clothing, but then I'm afraid it can hardly be recognised as a slaughterpriest anymore. The conversion looked alright when I first put them, but the washes and highlights don't seem to work well with the mask. So most likely this miniature is going to be benched permanently pretty soon.

Tretch worked out quite decently though, even though I want to change his fan. I made it out of bits and green stuff, but it looks too bulky now that it is painted up. I should have cut one out of plasticard instead in hindsight. One of the new 40k miniatures has a nice fan I saw, so I'm considering to try and get my hands on it.

As for the lists, I'm liking the 2nd Eshin list with the clawpack, as well as the 1500 list. I'm currently converting clanrats into Nightrunners, but I may have to pick up another box. They are relatively simple to make regardless. A shame the Island of blood skaven don't have the shields separate, it would make things a lot easier (cheaper) to convert. I do have a box of plaguemonks however that I could try to convert, but I'm not a fan of these models and still wondering what to do with them.

For the 2000 list, I just converted an arch warlock to have a samurai banner and head, going to paint it up soon and try and fit it in, what do you think I could replace?

I'm going to convert my stormfiends with some Necron bits by the way. I saw that Necron Immortals had a few nice cannons that could work as a warpfire projector. Thinking to pick up a box and use the other guns to make some Skaven Jezzails.

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I'm not sure what I would replace to put in the Arch Warlock...though I did eventually take out the Bell. I also don't use the Deceiver.

I love the idea of using Necron bits (I also play Necrons). I used flamer bits from the Baneblade kit I've had lying around since it came out in plastic for my Warpfire Projectors :) 

Really nice work on your conversions by the way, keep it up and don't be afraid to try new things it's working for you!

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5 hours ago, Dez said:

I'm not sure what I would replace to put in the Arch Warlock...though I did eventually take out the Bell. I also don't use the Deceiver.

I love the idea of using Necron bits (I also play Necrons). I used flamer bits from the Baneblade kit I've had lying around since it came out in plastic for my Warpfire Projectors :) 

Really nice work on your conversions by the way, keep it up and don't be afraid to try new things it's working for you!

Thanks again :), I think I will keep the screaming bell in the list for now, perhaps use the arch warlock in a 2500 list. I was hoping to fit a Sayl the Faithless in somewhere, but the Verminus clawpack and weapon teams are sucking up a lot of points at this rate. I'm mostly learning to play the game at the moment anyways, so no big deal. I may end up switching the bell for an arch warlock and 10 extra stormvermin or something though. Time will tell. For now I'm mostly adding jingasa (the pointy asian heads) to half my clanrats. I'll probably be busy equiping 40 rats with hats.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update! :) So, I'm finally done equiping all clanrats with tiny jingasa, I decided to take a Tokugawa Shogunate colour scheme of red and black. I also switched Tretch's fan for a new one since it looked so bulky. I now have 59 other clanrats in the making (just need to fix the base colours a bit, then I can wash them, dry brush and highlight like the skaven below).




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