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Stormcast - another strategy!


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everybody is playin Alpha Strike lists, but I want to go my way. So I am thinking about a defensive list:

Knight Venator (120)
Lord Castellant (100)
Celestant-Prime (360)
Lord Celestant On Dracoth (220)
- Tempestos Hammer & Thundershield
Lord Relictor (80)
Celestial Hurricanum With Celestial Battlemage (320)

Liberators x 10 (200)
- Warhammer & Shield
Judicators x 5 (160)
- Skybolt Bows
Judicators x 5 (160)
- Skybolt Bows
Paladin Protectors x 5 (200)
Gryph-Hound x 2 (80)

Total: 2000/2000

As you can see the idea is shooting the enemy with 2x5 Judicators, Venator, Hurricanum. They are protected by 10 Liberators with Castellant buff (and maybe mystical shield) and 5 Protectors. Castellannt and Relictor for support. Lord Celestant on Dracoth for speed, just in case. The Celestant Prime comes with alot of attacks.

What do you think? Can this list compete with all the Warrior Brotherhood and Skyborne Slayers out there?

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My first thought is that you have too few bodies, and too little synergy to support each other. What roles does the Relictor play, for example? Who goes with the Dracoth? Should the Liberators be two units of five? I think, for a list that gives up battalion rules in favour of more conventional tactics, you're losing out on a lot of what the Stormcast could offer.

What I do like is the Gryph-Hounds and Protector screen (I'm assuming that's what it is). The Hurricanum is really good, although keep in mind that that single model will largely dictate the pace and board control of your entire army if you want to maximise the hit buff. Always having certain units within Hurricanum range is more of an advantage to an enemy than it is to you, since it makes you predictable and allows your opponent to more reliably pick his fights.

I'd personally ditch the Relictor for some ranged Prosecutors to support the Dracoth, and possibly ditch the Prime for more bodies. Yes, he's good, but does he give this list as much as five more Paladins, five more Judicators and another Gryph-hound would do?

Just some food for thought.

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If you want to run a shooty list, slide in some Prosecutors with javelins, 80 points for 3.
This will also give you some bodies that can move and grab objectives.

I'd also potentially drop the Venator as I find his ability pretty lacklustre, perhaps try and squeeze another unit or Judicators or more Liberator meat shields.

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If you are running a Castellan, Dogs, Protectors and Liberators, why not play the Wardens of the Realmgate Battalion? It is even more defensive and gives you a mobility option with the Realmgate if needed. The Wizard on th Hurricanum gives you the re-rolls so no models get lost in transition.

To be fair, if you want to go all-out of shooting, why not Kurnoth Hunters with Judicators, Hurricanum and a defensive line then? The list you have is fairly hybrid and probably won't be performing much better than a pure Stormcast army with more aggression on top of their regular shooting. The Lord Celestant on foot can provide the +1 in melee if you really needed it and the +1 hit with ranged weapons is only beneficial to the Judicators and less so to the Venator outside of his bird.

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