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New to WH - Picked up a Vampire Army on Craigslist for Cheap. Need Help to ID


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Hey there! I recently went down to my local GW to pick a Grombrindal code and ended up walking out with a Sylvaneth starter pack to start working on. I've been diving in head first since then and I was browsing Craigslist when I stumbled on someone getting rid of a Vampire army for cheap. I picked it up and there a few models I need help IDing. Can someone help? Thanks! 


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Hi @TheLucidor, welcome to the hobby, I hope you find it as enjoyable as Total Warhammer! :)

The models you're looking at from left to right are:

  • "The Red Duke", a model originally released for the Circle of Blood Warhammer campaign pack for Warhammer 5th edition in about 1997, missing his very cool skeleton horse. He had some rather cool backgroud about being a Bretonnian noble who turned bad and had been entombed for centuries before returning to wreak vengeance on his homeland.
  • A female vampire model released with the 7th edition of Warhammer's Warhammer Armies: Vampire counts in 1998. She's missing both her arms and I'd recommend replacing them with a pair from a plastic witch elf, easily available from all good bits sites and ebay sellers.
  • A Blood Dragon vampire released with 6th edition's Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts in 2001. He and the other vampires released at the the time came packaged with rather cool mounted variants.
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@Double Misfire 

Awesome! Thanks! I'll see if I can find some bits for them! Appreciate the help! 

I'm having a blast building/painting but figured a ready to go army would be nice to get acquainted with the game and also allow for games at home with friends. This community seems awesome and even though I've been basically a fly on the wall up until now, its been super helpful! 

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1 minute ago, TheLucidor said:

@Double Misfire 

Awesome! Thanks! I'll see if I can find some bits for them! Appreciate the help! 

I'm having a blast building/painting but figured a ready to go army would be nice to get acquainted with the game and also allow for games at home with friends. This community seems awesome and even though I've been basically a fly on the wall up until now, its been super helpful! 

The Red Duke's actual horse might prove rather hard/expensive to track down, but he should fit fairly easily on most other horse models. Pretty much any set of female or elf arms will work for the lady vampire. :) 

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