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Help against High Elf Dragon Host

Agent of Chaos

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I'm going to be coming up against the following 2000 point High Elf army and looking for ideas on how to counter it (I have a large slaves to darkness force as well as a smattering of Khorne and Slaanesh Daemons to pick from but all ideas are welcome);

Prince Imrik on Dragon (General) 440

Archmage on Dragon (Phoenix Stone) 360

Drakeseer on Dragon (Quiksilver Potion) 340

Dragon Host Battalion 80

20 High Elf Spearmen 160

20 High Elf Archers 200

5 Elyrian Reavers 160

2 Bolt Throwers 240

TOTAL = 1980

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If your smattering of Khorne includes blood thirsters and skull cannons, bring them. Otherwise beg, borrow or steal WLCs, plague claws, storm fiends, and anything else that'll give you some ranged punch. Obviously, the dragons are marked for death, but I don't see Slaves having enough muscle to take on three of them. I play a lot of fluffy Slaves lists, but even with all the stuff I have, I think they'd struggle. Sayl on a vortex with a big unit or two of beast gore chariots might work for at least one turn, maybe two if you get lucky. Throw them at the dragons and hope to kill at least 2 before Sayl gets shot off his perch. If you can take out two early, then you have a chance. Don't let those Reavers have free rein or they'll very likely be sniping your heroes on turn one. And the bolt throwers will be targeting all your heroes as well. 

Hell cannons could help here as well, and they fit the theme of a slaves/ demon coalition nicely, if that's your aim.

Good luck.

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Tasman is right- you need ranged. What smattering of khorne do you have? A unit of wrath mongers is the perfect catchers mitt for those dragons. Also, the mighty lord of khorne is pretty weak, but you can always throw him into the pile to try and get that cheeky 5+ auto kill. If you have kairos that's one guaranteed dead dragon. Two if you're pretty lucky.


If you don't have shooting or good units to counter the dragons with, you're only hope is to chaff them up with cheap units like marauders and hope you don't get totally rolled. StD is probably the weakest faction for chaos overall unfortunately.

Do you have any demon princes or chimeras? Chimeras would be helpful as mobile gun platforms while demon princes possess enough killing power to wipe out that unit of ellryian reavers in one go or put a dent in the dragon

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Also, I don't think he has 3 battleline units.....unless there's something in the battalion- I'm not really up to speed on elves. Those archers are not BL according to the GHB.

Again, any Hero or monster you bring is going to be pincusioned by those bolt throwers. He's put together a nasty, cheesy list.

Bring as much shooting as you can. Maybe some flamers, plague claws for his big units. WLCs, storm fiends w/ warfare projectors, and, of course, hell cannons. Since you're only playing 2k pts, I'd say you're up against it. Focus on the dragons, obviously. If they get that immolation special ability off on any of your units, it's toast!>:( Anything that generates mortal wounds is something you want in your force.... unfortunately, Slaves isn't flush with any of that. They're a fluffy, "let's get together and throw some dice" kind of army atm. I usually bring them as a challenge to myself when playing noobs. 


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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, thanks so much for your advice! The match hasn't happened yet due to holidays etc so there's still time to get my strategy right. In terms of the forces currently at my disposal I have the following;

Bloodthirster / 2 x daemon princes / 10 x bloodletters / 15 x flesh hounds / 40 x chaos warriors / 30 x Marauders / 15 x chaos knights / 3 x chaos chariots / 5 x blood warriors / 20 x blood reavers / 3 x chaos spawn / Khorgorath / 20 x Daemonettes / 5 x Seekers of Slannesh / Keeper of Secrets / Lord of Khorne / Chaos Lord on Steed / Chaos Sorcerer (could pose as Sayl)


So, no skaven, no wrathmongers, no shooting at all and nobody I know that I could borrow said units from O.o I have being eyeing off the skull cannons but I have so many models already with space and funds a little short.

Maybe I'll push for an objective based scenario and swarm him with chaff...

p.s. you're right that the archers aren't battleline. Guess he'll split the spearmen into 2 x units of 10.

I am so dead...

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