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Base sizing and substituting models - OK for point games?


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Hi All, 

New to AOS though did play many GW games back in the day. 

Quick question on base sizing in AOS - now I am aware that officially its simply to hold the model but I think that most people use base to base. I am currently working on a stormcast army in which my liberators and retributors apart from the primes are on 25mm bases with the primes on 32mm - I thought this looked better - would this present any issues with anyone questioning this in games? I'm thinking any benefit is also one to my opponent?  

I've also made some conversions to the army with my concussors riding demi-grpyhs (small base size as the dracoth riders would have been) and a drakeswarm templar on a griffin (The big one) again would anyone take issue with this substitution? and the base may be a little smaller than the 170mmx105mm the stardrake comes on once I base it. 

Silly question? I'm not really sure.. I guess I'm also asking how people feel about substituting models e.g. my griffin playing as a stardrake in game terms 

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Smaller bases generally give an advantage, since you can fit more models into a combat front line and negate the drawback of low reach. In the case of Stormcasts, I would say using 25/32mm bases over 40mm ones will give a significant advantage over the course of an entire game.

Personally, I wouldn't mind at our local gaming club - I have my Neferata on a smaller than intended base myself, since I rebased her before she was re-released and refuse to rebase her a second time. However, for tournaments and more "official" games, you will probably be told this is not accepted.


(Don't shoot the messenger!)

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Fair enough I guess, I've just realised I put the wrong sizes they're on 32mm with the primes on 40mm. I haven't done the basing details as yet so could possibly still make the switch though i'm not sure how easy they'll come off them.  I guess for everything else i'll just put them on the base sizes that would be normal. I also hope that not no one would take issue with the griffin as a stardrake if i put it on the stardrake size base, the models themselves are also somewhat comparable in size I guess. 

Its unlikely that i'd be playing in a tournament setting but I wouldn't want to rule it out with my choices. 


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Go for a smaller base if you think it looks better. If anyone complains, you can put them on a bigger base with some bluetack for that specific game. That's what I'm doing with my bloodreavers. They are glued to 25mm bases, and ready to be bluetacked to 32mm bases if someone is unhappy with it. 

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When all else fails, do it like this:

  1. Point out to your opponent that the model is on a different base than it usually is.
  2. If you think that this grants you an unfair advantage, point it out.
  3. If your opponent thinks that this grants you an unfair advantage, believe him without debate.
  4. In either case, either blue-tac the model to a larger base, or just have a larger base on hand - you can replace the empty base with the model once the situation is resolved.

Most of the time, most opponents aren't going to care, but if you are chill and patient and don't argue, there won't be any room for unpleasantness or debate.

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