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My long term AoS project


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I'm planning on painting 3 sets of different Stormcast Eternals and their enemies from the first Age of Sigmar book; Khorne Bloodbound, Nurgle Rotbringers and Tzeench /Slaves to Darkness. I'd be missing Sylvaneth and Skaven but who knows I might get a box of those eventually. Then I could set up a pretty epic diorama as home storage. 

I'd end up with a good amount of Stormcast Eternals and a pretty good Everchosen army to play. And I could play through the story scenarios from the book at home as I try to get my friends into Age of Sigmar. 

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The Stormcast Eternals from the starter set all get painted as Hammers of Sigmar except for one unit of Liberators.

Then the Start collecting Stormcast Eternals set gets painted as Hallowed Knights (except for the 2 Retributors, they get mixed in with the Hammers of Sigmar). Add a box of Judicators and a box of Retributors (might paint them as Astral Templars).

That lone unit of Liberators saved from the starter set get painted as Celestial Vindicators along with a box of Judicators, a box of Retributors, a Knight Azyros and a Lord Castellant.

Right know I'm painting my Khorne Bloodbound as the Goretide. Then I'd buy the Slaves to Darkness and Nurgle start collecting boxes.

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