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Thoughts on my first Flesh-Eater Courts army


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After making my way through the AoS starter box, I've decided to put together a 2000pt matched play Flesh-Eater courts army as my first proper army. The fluff is great! Using the bits I already have, and plans for picking up some more boxes, I'm thinking of putting together the following:

Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (400)

Varghulf Courtier (160)

Crypt Haunter Courtier (120)

Crypt Infernal Courtier (140)

3x Crypt Flayers (160)

3x Crypt Horrors (140)

---Ghoul Patrol--- 

Crypt Ghast Courtier

20x Crypt Ghouls

20x Crypt Ghouls

20x Crypt Ghouls


Total 1900/2000

Looking at the parts I have leftover, I could use the remaining 100pts to field a Ghoul King on foot also. As the plan is to pick up two start collecting boxes,  I'll also have a Zombie Dragon to hand. Another idea is to magnetise a GK, Terrorgheist and Dragon and swap around if necessary. 

The main idea of this army is to have a little bit of everything for fluff based fun, using the ghouls as a front line to cause mayhem and seize objectives. The heavies can buff from the back and wade in with extra muscle when necessary.

I'd really appreciate your thoughts on this as this is my first AoS army.

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That's a solid start there, certainly the good foundations for an army. Take all my below advice with a pinch of salt - I'm not an amazing player, everyone has different playing attitudes and finds different value in different units and at the end of the day, the most important thing is you take units you enjoy using (or are proud of the painting on!).

That said, Flayers are pretty rubbish :P - expensive and fragile, and although rend/ mortal wounds are lacking in pure FEC, I still don't rate them. Taking 2 units of Horrors and 2 Horror Courtiers also gives you redundancy for your healing. Having the specialised Courtiers means they can snipe out the healing for the unit that is more of a threat at any time.

Triple monstrous Courtier may be a bit many too - though handy for maintaining the 10" regen bubbles. Swapping Varghulf for another 3 horrors would make sense to me, as a unit of 6 horrors will usually live long enough to get healed up - the units of 3 might not.


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Been playing FEC exclusive for the last several months,,Ghoul Patrol is solid and the build you have woth 20 strong blocks is the way to go.

 The other parts of the list are OK,but you should probably try to fit in another GK in some form,,do mounted for a more elite approach or on foot and perhaps some Crypt Horrors to work with him.The Crypt Haunter is nice but really most efficient when you are running a 6+ unit of Horrors,,3s go down to fast to focused attacks leaving you with a meh hero that doesnt have much to do.A vargulf can be a solution giving all the benifits of the Haunter/infernals and even possibly boost the Ghouls now and then,but with only a 5+ save he needs to be kept from getting focused.


 Also you may want to invest in a Mournghoul,,,with a shield on him he can cause huge problems for most all opponents mainly due to his to-hit debuff.400 points but ALWAYS draws tons of attention and if hes within the army save bubble..makes one heck of a tank.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with @boots468 about the Flayers and the survivability of 3 man units and the redundancy factor with the courtiers.  I've had units of 6 Horrors go down to an opponent who gets the double turn with no opportunity to replenish them. They are your main combat unit with Ghouls claiming/holding objectives and annoying your opponent when they just won't stay dead.

With that being said, I would suggest dropping the Flayers and Infernal Courtier for 3 more Horrors.  Also, dropping the Haunter and adding another Varghulf.  The Varghulf after all is the army's lieutenant and Swiss Army knife of characters. He can replenish both Ghouls and Horrors if within close proximity and go toe-to-toe with most any hero/small monster for character scoring scenarios.

Lastly, this allows you to add a Ghoul King on foot or two for additional hit re-rolls on your ghouls and horrors and more movement flexibility. 

PS: you can have your cake and eat it too if you pick up some magnets and magnetize the arms on your Horrors.  Horrors or Flayers depending on your mood. I'd be happy to provide some pics of the models I've done and walk you through the steps if you're interested.  It's actually not that difficult.



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