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Demigryphs vs. Grail Knights

Paul Conti

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I've been trying to figure out what the better choice actually is - Demigryphs or Grail Knights?

Demigryphs seem to have a bit more durability, but Grail Knights pack a bigger punch. Even with the Brotherhood of Knights battalion Demis seem to lag behind in power. 

What do you all think? How do you decide? What's your preference?

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Pistoliers ;););););)

Grail Knights, all the time, every time. Most old WFB heavy cav units suffer from horrible 'rubber lance syndrome' in AoS with 4+ to hit rolls and no rend on their lances, with decent armour saves and nifty abilities granted by shields giving them the saving grace of at least being very effective mobile objective humpers and tar pits.

Demigryph knights' riders are, like so many old heavy cav units a bit on the rubbish side, and their mounts don't do much to bring them up to par for the amount of points you pay. Grail Knights on the other hand were elite enough to avoid being hit with the rend -/4+ to hit stick, hit like baby Fulminators, can take the best Bret and Freeguild buffs and allow you to yell 'for the Lady' in a ridiculous French accent every time you charge with them. B|

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I have to admit that I've never ran Demigryph Knights even though I have enough of them to run the Brotherhood of Knights Batallion with all Demigyrph. 

Though I am so down for Grail Knights. I ran a unit of 16 Knights of the Realm and a unit of 10 Grail Knights in my tournament list last weekend and it seems they both did quite well, however, the Grail Knights charged a mob of 40 ghouls and wiped themy clean one round of combat. They yelled for the lady granting them re-roll to hits, 3's to wound and then even though the Death player played his saves wrong, the Grails killed a little under 30 ghouls before the horses struck back.

Yeah, amazing!

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I havent tried grail knights but I did give questing knights a go (using my empire knights as proxies) and the rend and vs monster bonus worked out well. Being 3/3/-1/1 and 3+ on the charge seemed to hit hard and felt good. 

The demigryphs have a much stronger psychological impact and draw a lot more attention. If you can get a 6up ward save or a plus one to save it really helps. Demigryphs are also much easier to heal to full because of the 4 wounds and this should not be discounted.

The exploding beak attacks are badass too.  Buff with hold the line and wildform and they explode on 4 +  which is nice if you can roll magic better than me.  I have had it work once in the last 5 games.  



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