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1k Ordo Draconis - First Game


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I'm finally giving Age of Sigmar a try tomorrow and bringing the High Elves. Will be trying out the Ordo Draconis in a 1K list. This is what I'm bringing, not sure how it will do but will be fun no doubt.

Dragonlord with Dragon Lance and War Horn, Relic Blade and Inspiring Trait 

Dragon Noble with Star Lance and Banner

Dragon Blades

Dragon Blades


Dragonlord Host

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Um, not that it really matters in a friendly game, but Dragon Blades aren't battleline if you've got a unit of archers as the archers mean you're not allegiance Ordo Draconics.

Otherwise cool list, though you might want to try out the Reckless command trait on your general after a few games (rolling snake eyes on a charge happens, take my word for it!) and the Dragonlord Host battalion means you can take an additional artefact and give it to your Dragon Noble. :)

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Ah ok thats good to know. I might be missing something but I thought I read if you have a few allegiances you can pick which one you are so I should be able to pick Ordo Draconis to make them a battleline. I am an AoS Noob so I might just be missing something or misread.

I did think about reckless but seems a bit pointless when the banner on Noble does the same thing.

I am hoping this list will be able to hit hard and on turn 1. Think it will either hit really hard and smash through or fall apart, my usual High Elves style.

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