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Help me get my CoS collection in order ! Featuring recommended list archetypes

The Lost Sigmarite

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Hello everyone ! 

A little bit of context before getting into the thick of it : I started collecting AoS in early 1st Ed, my choice what was at the time Empire because funny Rennaissance Germans in a fantasy world was cool. However as I was a bit of a wee lad (I was still into my teens) I bought a lot of... in retrospect incoherent stuff, mostly because I bought what I thought looked cool. Fast forward 8 years later to 2023 and I have this big collection of painted minis (and still a pile of shame but it's not that big, thank Sigmar) and it makes me want to get back into AoS after taking a leave of the hobby in general (because demanding studies and covid). Here is what I already own and is already painted :

- 1 freeguild general on griffon 

- 1 freeguild general

- 1 battlemage

- 30 freeguild guards

- 30 greatswords

- 20 handgunners

- 9 demigryphs (6 with lances 3 with halberds)

- 10 OOP huntsmen that I proxy as shadow warriors

- 5 pistoliers and 5 outriders

I also have unpainted (aka the pile of shame) : a battlemage, 20 guards, 10 handgunners, 3 demigryphs, 5 pistoliers and a celestial hurricanum. 


This is quite an eclectic mix of units. Should I pick up a few additions to fill up any gaps in the army ? And what kind of army list do you advise me to build if I want to play from my collection ? Handgunners, demygriph or greatswords heavy ?

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Also, it's a bit up in the air what's happening with Cities, you could check out the rumours of what's likely to be removed and either:

a) avoid those units as they may not be valid much longer 


b) if you like them, get them before they go OOP

If you fancy getting dwarves (and who wouldn't) both the Start Collecting and the regiment of renown are good value.

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Entmans advise is good.

Cities is in an unknown place right now.

We don't know when the new rules are out, we don't know what units are being cut but we do know it's going to be a complete revamp. So spending big cash and time right now is a risk.

Personally I'd prob just finish that pile of shame and play what you got. Maybe pick up a unit here or there if it becomes obvious you want it  after playing a bit.

What you have is very playable. You got a hurri, a good monster, plenty of chaff and some shooting units that can go OK if you play them OK.

Those demigriff knights go pretty good and you've got plenty of them to use.

I'd also look into maybe getting a few Stormcast units if you do want to expand. COS can make good use of stormcast as they will still use your COS army rules if you play them and worst case after the army shake up you should still get good play from them. Some Fulminators, Stormdrake Guard or Celestant Prime will all add good units to your army at not much risk.


But basically what you have is fine. It's not meta and you won't be carving up tables but you'll go alright, win some games and Learne the rules while you decide what works for you and doesn't.

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9 hours ago, Thugmullet said:

I'd also look into maybe getting a few Stormcast units if you do want to expand. COS can make good use of stormcast as they will still use your COS army rules if you play them and worst case after the army shake up you should still get good play from them. Some Fulminators, Stormdrake Guard or Celestant Prime will all add good units to your army at not much risk.

I'm gonna buy myself a Gotrek for my birthday. He adds some real punch at little cost money-wise. I'll paint it while finishing the pile of shame. 


18 hours ago, EntMan said:

Also, it's a bit up in the air what's happening with Cities, you could check out the rumours of what's likely to be removed and either:

a) avoid those units as they may not be valid much longer 


b) if you like them, get them before they go OOP

I'd probably kitbash the non valid units to turn them valid. The reason I have a bunch of demigriffs around is because they're my old empire knights I converted to give them second life when they stopped being valid.

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