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Need to sell: Beasts of Chaos, Blades of Khorne, Slaves to Darkness


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Hi guys, unfortunately I’m having to party with all my Blades of Khorne, Slaves to Darkness and my Beasts of Chaos. US based

Full 2k Warherd army including two Doombulls converted from Ogroids (there are pics in the BoC thread on here near the end), Shaggoth converted from Carnosaur/Ghorgon, 13 Bullgors, 6 Dragon Ogors, 2 Ghorgons, 2 Cygors, 2 chimeras, a cockatrice (might be missing a foot), a Bray Shaman and a custom Beastlord. individual retail is $845 (excluding cockatrice due to possible missing foot), asking $500 shipped in the US


40 warriors, 60 reavers, Mighty LoK w/pup (Khorgas Khul), 13 unnamed heroes (each type is present), Valkia conversion, skaar blood wrath, OOP Scyla, 2 Khorgoroths, 10 Wrathmongers, 5 skullreapers, 9 Might Skullcrushers, blood alter. Retail is about $600, I’d like $350 in the US shipped


40 Khorne Marauders (correct weapons, but Blood Reavers make up the base of the models, 1 SC S2D complete, 10 extra warriors, 3 custom heroes, 1 Warshrine that needs to be stripped (heavy primer). Asking $200 shipped in the US

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I'm sorry to hear about the situation. I've been there myself. You can also try the r/miniswap thread on reddit. I sold a lot through there myself but I feel its slowed down with the economic situation.


Just bumping this back to the top as I'm afraid I can't really help. Also I assume you are only selling in lots but I'd add that info.

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