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The fan made skaven faq

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The skaven fan faq


Hi everybody as 

Many of you guys probably already know, I wasn’t too happy of the new book.

While it didn’t change much from the last book, many units still felt like having been nerfed for no reason, while certain rules that made the skaven in their own way interesting where removed.

From having been a possible horde army, most of our units decreased significantly in size, leaving clanrats the only horde unit in this book , and even then, only being able to spend 4 reinforcement points, was making that army less of a horde and more of an elite army, something that doesn’t fit with the lore, and even gw seems to consider skaven as a horde faction, although not supporting that into the rules.

I don’t think it is out of place calling the book a disappointment, and the faq didn’t really do much at all, which is why I started making a small fan made faq for the army, that should fix the fundamental mechanics of the skaven, and should return a good chunk of fluff into the army.

Personally this is my first try doing something like this, so if anybody is interested in play testing those rules and giving me feedback, I would be happy to improving my fan made skaven faq.

After all I would be honored to hear you’re feedbacks.


Ps: although having made a small faq, me and a friend of mine are currently working on the skaven clan moulder allegiance ability, as we think that it was one of the poorest things done in the book.

Which is why we are interested in bringing back mutations for giant rats and rat ogors.

Although instead of just buffing those units, each mutation will also bring some kind of a negative kind of effect into the play, which should hopefully balance the buff somewhat out

I should also mention that there might be some grammatical mistake in the faq, after all this is just a small first try at writing an faq.

I hope you all enjoy it.

word document:Skaven faq (1).docx




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