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Epic trousers


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It's been a while since I posted on a forum, social media more or less killed them off for me, or so I thought. 

Guessing mine is a familiar story; long time gamer/hobbytroll, grew up with everything GW. I never fully got into WFB and probably ignored it as a game since 3rd edition, fell out with an increasingly idiotic 40k around the tail end of 5th edition and instead picked up WarmaHordes. Around the End Times, the Nurgle releases (my 'thang', if you will) piqued my interest but never beyond painting a few Blightkings. I missed the furore of the switch to AoS and viewed the fallout and nerd rage as a symptom of the confused GW world I had left behind.

However, recently a friend at my local club put up a very brief post about having tried AoS and enjoyed it, and being in need of a fun game I jumped in. 

So far I'm loving the openness and simplicity (and underlying complexity) of the game and have been on a mad spree of revisiting my nostalgia for the Realms of Chaos, picking and combining all kinds of gribblies and nasties. Out of the blue our well attended GW-skeptic club has a small band of AoS converts throwing caution to the wind and having an absolute blast!


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