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Wanderers and Stormcast army?


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Has any one had any success running the Glade units of the Wanderers (guard, riders) along side some stormcast? I have an old Wood elves army and I picked up the Stormcast from the starter box to paint for fun and now I'm considering playing the game. I would like to be competitive in a club sense not a tournament sense and was wondering if I would be better off continuing down this path or just play it to learn the rules and invest in a new army while I do.

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Depends on the scenario. For objective games where you count number of models nearest to objective it would help a lot against horde armies . The glade guard could be a good replacement for the judicators if you keep the enemy away from them, their rend -3 ability along with sheer numbers can be a devastating one time attack.

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I've never used glade riders but as mentioned, they might add some desirable movement. Beyond that, I'm not sure they're worth their points so it depends on how hampering you're finding the low movement of Stormcasts.

Glade guard I have used and tend to find they are annoying (to your opponent mostly) for four out of five turns and absolutely devastating on the one turn that they fire their arcane bodkins (-3 rend). A unit of 30 would be really scary to face as they'd be hitting on 3+ and, as such, could do a significant amount of damage to most stuff (as long as it doesn't ignore rend... I'm looking at you Mourngul).

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