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Hi folks,

I have casually been playing AoS since it released, I was a fantasy player many years ago but hadn't played recent editions and I also play 40k and bolt action. I have found AoS quite fun, for gameplay I mostly enjoy smaller games 5-6 scrolls or ~1000 points, I have nothing against larger games but as I generally play at my local GW store I find the attention of my opponents makes in larger games which turns them into a drag. My favourite part of the hobby is painting which I am always trying to Improve, if you see any of my pictures I am more than happy to receive criticism (constructive or otherwise).

Army wise I have a lot of bits and pieces in various stages of incomplete. Currently I am just starting a fyreslayers army, which is how I found tga while looking for basic tactics, but also have sylvaneth,stormcast eternal,khorne bloodbound,nurgle rotbringers,daemons of Nurgle.

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