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2k Unusual Archeon List - tourney viable?


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So i have this khorne horde...and i have this nurgle wall... 2 very different play styles...and now i want a 3rd

Im thinking a fast elite ton of bricks kinda list



I came up with this and im opening it up fro critique before i splurge of the hideously expensive varanguard


Archeon on horse - 320

harbinger of decay - 140

harbinger of decay - 140

harbinger of decay - 140

harbinger of decay - 140

harbinger of decay - 140

Sorcerer on horse - 140


20 marauders with flails, mark of nurgle -120

10 marauders with flails, mark of nurgle -60

10 marauders with flails, mark of nurgle -60

3 varanguard with lances 360

3 varanguard with lances 360



So obvs for the most part its fast and hard hitting... alot of the time ill be getting 4 x 5 up "ward" saves on most things and apply power to a point and surgically destroy units piecemeal. 


Im just not sure if it will do enough and/or losing the chaos traits is worth.


But it does play very different to my other 2 builds to im liking its potential

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As Nico said, you can't have the sorcerer as you're only allowed to take 6 leaders maximum.

I also doubt the stacking would be accepted, specially in tournament. If it is, your units become indeed super tough, but you don't have lots of bodies to hold objectives.

However, I find the concept of the list interesting, with big caveats:

  1. Archaon on "horse" Droghar (he's personally my favorite, the model is amazing and brings so many memories) is in the compendium. Some tournaments don't accept compendium warscrolls.
  2. If you don't get first turn and your opponent has some shooting, he will focus on killing Archaon and that's an auto-win for him. Even if you hide Archaon very well, he would focus on killing all your marauders and leave you with no units to hold objectives with.
  3. You'll never be able to keep all your army within range of the Morbid Vigour (7") of all your Harbingers of decay, so your opponent will focus on the uncovered units. If you spread your harbingers, your units will have one 5+ ward save (two for some of them) which isn't that strong anymore.
  4. You lack power. No shooting, no powerful magic. Only your varanguards and Archaon himself can deal good damage, but I don't think it's enough to wipe out an enemy bunkering 2 objectives.
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In Nurgle lists, Epidemius is a must, I feel.as well as  orghots and/ or glottkin wich both provide good command while packing a good punch.

I don't know what to say bout two harbringers stacking, feels a bit odd.

All in all li'l Archaon's command makes for some nice combos, and I happen to really love the mini too.


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