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Homebrew & Unofficial Insect Race: The Chitinian Empire


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Hey all! I began developing my own unofficial insect race last year called the Chitinian Empire,  however stopped due to other projects + not having any models that i liked to represent my faction. Now with other projects slowing down, finding models I like and the ending of an Animosity III high note I am getting back into this factions development. 

It's a little bit of a read, but Id love to know your thoughts! Baring edits, new ideas that may come to mind and wanting to fill out the Hosts (Clan/Great Nations equiv) I do believe this is a final or nearly final draft of the overview.

Thanks in advance! 

Let me know what you think!

The Chitinian Empire

An unofficial race for Age of Sigmar by Sinarai Paints/Sudsinabucket. Started 2020

The Chitinian Empire is an Insectoid race that has colonies largely below ground, their numbers are innumerable. Gone nearly undectected for millennia, the Chitinian Empire has emerged again due the events of the Broken Realms, primarily the influx of Life magic and the release of Kragnos. As the Mortal Realms are reshaped and fought over on the ground and in the skies above, below the blood stained soil the Chitinian Empire sees nothing but opportunities. New colonies grow across Ghyran, Ghur and Hysh, and with them the purification of what was once soured by chaos, pestilence and industry.

Innumerous and unrelenting, the Chitinian Empire is nature’s destructive force made manifest. To face them in battle is to fight against thick chitin armor, obsidian sharp mandibles and acids that burn through even celestial armors. An intelligent ancient race of insectoids they originate from The-World-That-Was, living largely below the surface of the natural moon Mannslieb, and what once was the Southlands and further east beyond Cathay. Their once vast Empire began to decline with the rise of Pestilence and Chaos, infected egg chambers had begun to take a toll on those colonies down below on the earth. Upon seeing the False Moon Morrslieb fall towards the world below, the High Queen Kaj’Dreza fearing the natural moon to be next ordered the moon to be moved out of orbit and reach from magics below. Winged Chitinians of all sizes piled on the far side of the moon, and with what is known as the “Great Fluttering” hundreds of millions of wings began to push the moon away from The-World-That-Was. Their exoskeletons capable of protecting them from the immense cold and vacuum of space, when the task was done all the High Queen and the remaining Chitinians could do but watch the world be consumed by fire of all different colors, and eventually its destruction. Eventually bringing the moon back the Kaj’Dreza sent swarms out to check the remaining debris of the shattered world, and though few colonies somehow survived on the shards of the world, most of the insect species had been lost. For thousands of years the Chitinian Empire traveled upon their moon home pulled by giant space worms, following the still occupied shards of a shattered world they watched what would one day become The Mortal Realms. Seeing the Mortal Realms form, the Chitian Empire would first come to what is now called Ghyran and Hysh, setting up the first terrestrial colonies and the beginnings of a new empire.

Varying in shapes and sizes, they are led by the eldest and only surviving High Queen and her Queens. The only true care of the Queens are that and the colonies under her influence and their survival, anything that may put them at risk is dealt with swiftly. The Chitinians have little tolerance for Industry, and none for that of Chaos, Pestilence and Undeath. All of these seep through and into the soil, tainting it, endangering the colonies and it’s vulnerable eggs. Ever hungry and ever working to purify the world to a natural state around them, the Chitinian Empire is no stranger to war. Sensitive to the earth around them, if a city's industry goes unregulated for too long or corruption unchecked, war-swarms will be sent without warning to begin the process of purification. These swarms have been the cause of whole fortified cities falling into giant sinkholes, though usually blamed as Skaven attacks until recently. With their sensitivity to the changes in nature and their constant work to purify lands to their natural state, the Chitinian Empire has found a sometimes uneasy alliance with the Sylvaneth. Though their interpretation of “Natural Order” may differ at times, both recognize the threat to Ghyran, and the realms, by both Skaven of Clan Pestilence and Nurgle specifically. Often find themselves on the same battlefield if even unknown until swarms of warrior bugs and burrow worms emerge from their swarmtunnels or as earth begins giving way as underground battles are revealed below the battlefield above ground.

The types of Chitinians vary widely but all start as an egg laid by a Queen or the High Queen. When the egg hatches a larva the size of a small dog crawls out, no different than another. In this stage they are very vulnerable, held together by only a slippery thick rubbery membrane. After some time, the larvae will cocoon themselves in a near impenetrable silk. Once cocooned they begin a transformation into a specialized new form. The forms that the larvae take are dependent on environmental conditions and food consumption, both of which are controlled by worker drones. From the cocoons these Cthinians can hatch as the most numerous Worker Drones and Warrior bugs or as the more specialized forms of large Burrow Worms and Dragon Sized flyers. Only the High Queen Kaj’Dezra has been able to lay eggs that give rise to Queens, using souls she is brought by the War-Swarms. The souls that are brought to her from all colonies as tribute, and so that more Queens can be hatched to further the growth of the empire. This however does not stop lesser Queens seeking to ascend to that of High Queen, hoping to regain their fallen wings they consume stolen souls in secret.

Due to the events of The Broken Realms, in particular those events surrounding Kragnos and the invasion of Shyish, the once hidden race has begun to emerge.The Chitinian Empire after staying nearly undetected for millennia have responded from their underground colonies in Ghyran, Ghur and Hysh to the influx of Life Magic and decline of Death magic throughout the realms. Eggs and larvae once dying daily by the tens of thousands now not afflicted by death magic have allowed the colonies to swell once more. Becoming more active below and above alike, swarms have been sent forth in ground shaking numbers, their sole purpose to search for new food sources and locations for the swelling old colonies. Rarely is a queen hatched for only by the High Queen herself can one be hatched, and only when a new colony location has been found. This keeps not only the number of Queens in check, but also keeps lower ranking queens in check, for civil war among colonies is rare, but not unheard of. Loyal Queens are rewarded with the new colonies, given the opportunity to show their leadership skills in wartorn environments and the promise of growing her own network of sub colonies. Though the best locations are reserved for the High Queen to start her own new colonies, she is generous to those who continue to serve her and the empire. Without hesitation newly hatched Chitinians begin their life serving the colony and Queen in whatever caste they are a part. The empire is ever moving, never sleeping, guided by their High Queen and Queen's drive to expand and secure their place within the Mortal Realms.

As the Mortal Realms are reshaped and fought over after the events of The Broken Realms on the ground and in the skies above, below the blood stained soil the Chitinian Empire sees nothing but opportunities. Consolidating their power after a war against the Hathorians and more recently with the Skaven, the Chitinian Empire is once again at a height of power not seen since just before the coming of Chaos. For it was during the Age of Chaos where the once isolated race was accidentally discovered by Skaven tunneling under Ghyran. Upon stumbling across a swarmtunnel of the High Queen’s colony, a pestilence was released upon worker drones which returned unknowingly to chambers that held eggs and larvae. A lasting war raged underground, both Skaven and Chitinian dying in the millions daily within the massive swarmtunnels and gnawholes being carved out. It was not until the finding of an underground spring did the tides begin to turn in favor of the High Queen, her Queens and their warswarms. The underground spring came from the giant lake above, and the Lustrum node in the Lustrare River valley which gave the water a highly potent purifying property. Creating a gentle mist with the spring water and placing it upon those eggs and larvae afflicted, they began to heal and soon hatch while also developing quicker than before. Soon the Swarms, reinforced and growing, began to fight back the Hordes of Pestilent Skaven and recover lost colonies. The colonies of Ghyran were saved, but the High Queen learned a valuable lesson and sent forth more Queens into the realms of Ghur and Hysh. It was during this war that a loose alliance was forged between the High Queen and the Everqueen of the Sylvaneth, both fighting for the preservation of the Jade Forests of Ghyran and Nature as a whole.

Though the Colonies of the Chitian Empire are capable and willing to make allies, one must reason with a Queen or the High Queen to do so, and even then it is a loose alliance dependent on strict terms. These strict terms always consist of industry being regulated and that the newly dead, no matter the cause, are given up to feed the growing colonies. With little or no warning an alliance can be ended with a city simply disappearing into the ground if industry falls to toxic levels or the dead cease being delivered. Even if outright allies are not to be found, there are some human settlements a part of the Burrowers Cult which worship the High Queen as a Godbeast and Queens as her spawn. These cults can be found protecting the entrances of the colonies and practice human sacrifice to the Queen they worship, sending those guilty of a crime or ceremonial sacrifices of noble birth down into Pits of the Apocalypse. These sacrifices are believed to help fuel the reemergence and the beginning of an apocalypse where the High Queen, her children and the faithful will purge all corruption from the land. Effectively reverting the realms to when they were first formed, the Burrowers Cult believes they will be the new rulers of the mortal races after The Renewal. Whether or not the Queens use visions and telepathy to fuel these beliefs is not known but is suspected.

The War-Swarms of the Chitinian Empire are vast in number, only being rivaled by that of Skavendom and the Realms of Chaos themselves. Led by either the High Queen, a Queen or a High Mothite, the warswarms move almost as one as commands are given via unique vibrations in the ground, pheromones through the air. If more than one War-Swarm is joined in battle the superior rank takes control of all present, communicating via telepathy and visions with their commanders. The way in which the War-Swarms communicate make it nearly impossible for the enemy to know what is happening before the tide has already turned.

Most numerous of the War-Swarms are the war drones, a subspecies of the worker drone, and the Warrior Bugs. Both are heavily protected by thick chitin shells, though aside from small mandibles and small sharp fangs, the war drones rely heavily on their numbers. Warrior bugs, as the name suggests, are bred solely for the protection of the colony through war and are the heart of the warswarms. Standing roughly 10 feet tall, Warrior bugs come in a variety of subspecies, all have large powerful pointed legs that propel them forward, long sharp mandibles that are used to slice and pierce through armor. The most common kind having large pincers for mouths that can crush boulders, while the second most sprays a type of acid before charging it’s foes with its gaping maw. It is however not only the vast numbers of war drones or warrior bugs that one must contend with. As Warrior bugs swarm forward they are accompanied by large scorpion-like monstrosities that contend with the likes of Stormfiends. Though tens of thousands may swarm from above ground, there is also movement just below the surface. Horrifying Burrow Worms the size of leviathans break through the ground, swallowing up whole regiments before diving back below the soil just to reappear again, some even spitting corrosive acid great distances. Not even the skies are untouched by the War-Swarms of the Chitinians. Dragonfly-like creatures the size of dragons secure aerial dominance alongside large flying warrior bugs, their numbers often blocking out Hysh’s light for periods at a time.

Mothites, humanoid like Moths, acting as stand in generals for their Queens or lieutenants for them during battle create powerful powders on their wings. Able to control the type of powder that is produced, these warriors will fly over the ranks of Chitians and with each beat of their wings the powder falls down onto the ranks of battling insects. These powders bolster the War-Swarms capabilities making their natural armor harder, mandibles sharper and bigger, increasing movement speed, even healing wounds. The powder not only helps the Chitians, but also brings the smaller insects of the realms to their aid. The powder when it falls upon enemy lines produces blindness, paralysis and blood to be filled with toxins. The War-Swarms are ever changing to meet new obstacles of battle to better protect the colonies, new variations of current species begin hatching as new conditions and food sources are found and secured.

The ranks of the Chitians War-Swarms consist of many different forms, it is that of the Queens that strike the most fear into their foes. Though rarely do they join in battle, these large centipede-like creatures with limited humanoid qualities are capable of turning the tide of battle themselves. Truly monsters in their own right, long armored bodies that can stretch high into the sky are held up by strong mandibles toward the rear of the body. Gradually these legs begin to take the shape of armored hands in the thorax region before turning back into powerful legs that go up towards the head. Their mouths open to reveal thousands of small teeth and multiple long tongues that are used to grab and pull victims in. The High Queen is the only queen to retain her wings permanently, adding to her power and terrible look. Physically the High Queens and Queens are formidable, but it is perhaps their special ability to send limited range telepathy waves into enemy lines. Showing those afflicted true nightmares of what waits for those who fall, even the most hardened veteran begins to lose resolve, for not even souls are at risk while fighting Chitinians in battle.

Always hungry and foraging for food for the colonies, the War-Swarms consume all parts of the body of fallen foes, leaving only a shell of armor and clothing behind. Some specialized Burrow Worms consuming souls to produce Soul Silk. A sticky silk that is able to cling onto souls and the living alike and near unbreakable, it is used to trap noble souls such as generals or champions. Stored behind the War-Swarm in Soul Silk or within a special sac of a Burrow Worm, these souls are taken to the High Queen or a treacherous Queen. Deepkin are known to follow smaller War-Swarms to collect the soul silk and souls from the Burrow Worms.

The colonies of the Chitinian Empire are vastly underground although structures above ground are built, largely as defense or to make above ground dwellers more comfortable. Although structures above ground are limited above smaller colonies, above larger colonies of importance the above ground addition can rival Cities of Sigmar or the Temple Cities of the Seraphon. The outer spaces of these above ground settlements resemble closer to what one would see in a human settlement, but the closer to the central swarmhole the more alien and colony-like it becomes. Towering carapace mounds next to market places, ventilation stacks that give off fumes from below being taken out of the tunnels and colony below. What once looked like a City of Sigmar changes into an alien world in the matter of a few steps. The tunnels that run below the surface and connect the various chambers and different colonies are large, often stretch hundreds of feet wide. When the tunnels are first dug they are pitch black, but this means little to the Chitinians that travel them, for they travel via vibrations in the ground and special pheromones that are given off by one another. As the tunnels are used more and more, the secretions of the insect host begins to bring forth bioluminescent fungi that give a faint light. This faint light is what allows for any sort of trade to happen between the Chitinian Empire and the races above ground, for otherwise it is just a maze for those who do not dwell below to get lost in.

The Chitinian Empire’s colonies are broken up into three different Hosts depending on which realm they are a part of. These Hosts consist of many colonies that are controlled by different queens, these Queens answer to a Greater queen of the region. Ultimately all queens answer to High Queen Kaj’Dreza in Ghyran. Each Host directed by their Queens and Mothites act closely but also independently of each other in a shared pursuit of purifying the realms to a state before industry and the corruption of Chaos. When Hosts do combine their colonies in a shared campaign, the War-Swarms that are gathered number in the millions, though this only happens when the High Queen calls for it in times of desperation or extreme need.

The first and oldest of the three Hosts is that of Ghyran and the High Queen herself, they are the Emerald Swarm. The most numerous, the Emerald Swarm has an increased regeneration mechanism that aids them in battle that comes from when the magics of Ghyran seep into the egg chambers. Chitinians hatched within the colonies of the Emerald Swarm are often greens with bright colored markings.

The Devouring Tide in Ghur have been transformed into hardened monstronsities of their former selves, which has served them well in the wars that have been fought since entering the realm. Their chitin armor hardened beyond a Bastiladons shell along with large spikes growing out, mandibles growing into two from one, and growing in size the War-Swarms of The Devouring Tide strike fear into even the most darkened of souls. Though they are the youngest of the three Hosts, The Devouring Tide is integral to the war efforts of the other Hosts. By sending their Ghur morphed monstrosities to other swarms they help break even the toughest of defenses or most savage beasts. The Chitin armor of this Host are generally darker toned

The Host of Iridescence of Hysh are the most intelligent of their race, baring the High Queen herself who feeds on Hyshian light unlike other Chitinians. Bright to the eye, those of the Host of Iridescence are capable of harnessing the light of Hysh to blind their foes, and their Mothites even harness the solar and lunar lights into their wings to release waves of light outwards in a nova of destruction. Chitians of this Host are often different colors depending on how the light hits them and the purest white where there is no light.

The only thing keeping the Chitinian Empire from truly eradicating and consuming all the races is the understanding of the Queens that the race itself could not be sustained without the other races to feed upon, and that they are a part of the natural order they hope to restore. Industry and corruption of the land are what concern the Chitinians, not that mortals dwell above ground.

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