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Hello from an old undead player


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Hello everyone.

I started collecting Games Workshop models waaaay back in the 80's, but haven't played a great deal of Warhammer since the early 90's.

I've been having a good hard look at my collections in recent times, and decided to sell off some stuff, and revitalise what remains.

I used to run a skeleton army back in the day, and had a Nightmare Legion regiment of renown boxed set, along with some hangers-on.

I'm currently in the process of repainting these old models, and stumbled upon this site while listening to some podcasts while I paint.

I don't get a lot of game time unfortunately, but try to keep up with what is happening in the community.

I'm proud to say that I contributed in a small way to the recent global campaign by getting some models painted though. It's a bit of a shame about Death's poor showing though! 

Anyway, enough rambling.

I have a blog where I post what I've been up to if anyone is interested in seeing some old lead undead:

Ragged They Kill...


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