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First AoS2 list. Feedback?


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Hi all, my new year project is to resurrect my whfb army for aos.

Having looked through the cities book, this is my first attempt at a list at 2000 pts.


General: annointed (on foot) - 100.

Assassin (80) adjutant

Annointed on frost heart pheonix - 320

Nomad prince - 120

Dread lord on black dragon (300)


20 pheonix guard (retinue) - 320

10 pheonix guard (160)

10 pheonix guard (160)

20 sisters of the watch (320)



Emerald lifeswarm (50)



The two small units are to fill out battleline (I only have 40 pheonix guard)

Idea is that the sisters and nomad prince are in hidden deployment - I assume I can still use the nomad prince's ability on the turn they appear in order to boost the sisters shooting?


The k-beast would also start off the table and attempt to charge with the 3d6 ability it has?


Any suggestions on how to fill out my battle line differently would be welcome - I'd prefer the max unit of pheonix guard.

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These are my questions when looking at your army.

Which city are you running?
What is the purpose of the Assassin and the Black dragon.
And this is not a question as much as it is a statement but the Karibdyss is one of the worst warscrolls in the game so why bother?

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The city is the Living City. 

Idea of the assassin was that he and the foot anointed would be in among the bloib of Pheonix guard, while using the adjutant ability to generate CPs. Was my thoughts. 

The black dragon and K-beast were included as damage dealers, and because I have the models (well, I have a high elf dragon I was going to use as the black dragon). 

Do you have any suggestions?


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2 hours ago, Bassie said:

The city is the Living City. 

Idea of the assassin was that he and the foot anointed would be in among the bloib of Pheonix guard, while using the adjutant ability to generate CPs. Was my thoughts. 

The black dragon and K-beast were included as damage dealers, and because I have the models (well, I have a high elf dragon I was going to use as the black dragon). 

Do you have any suggestions?


The Karibdyss does no damage what so ever. It does 8 wounds against armor - and 2,5 wounds against armor 2+. That is just points out the window unfortunately.

I would  look into converting the High elf dragon into the phoenix (if you dont have that model) or maybe even a Drakesworn Templar, Because neither The black dragon, assassin or the kharibdys really does anything for the army.

You also need some screens and you want some hard hitters. And i just realized something. You have the lifeswarm but no casters. I would see if i could make room for a sorceress and 10 darkshards if you want to play with the lifeswarm

The Nomad Prince, Frostheart, Phoenix guards and SotW are all solid choices

Maybe write in the post what you have in your old wfb army. that would help

Edited by mrteige
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Thanks for the feedback!

My collection:

3 x the island of blood box: 30 spire guard, 20 swordmasters, 3x5 reavers (Could I take the reavers as allies?) 1 built griffon, 1 still on sprue

8 silver helms (converted)

12 dragon princes

40 pheonix guard, 20 sisters of the watch

10 wood elves with glaives (wildwood rangers) 30 more on sprue, could be eternal guard instead

3 reaper bolt throwers

frostheart pheonix

elf mage on dragon

tyrion and teclis from 1994

various characters on foot


dark elves

a lot of spearmen (40-50) 

10 cold one knights

1 cold one chariot

altar of blood, medusa etc (no avatar - used it in a conversion)

10 harpies

5 dark riders, 5 warlocks

more bolt throwers

dread prince on dark pegasus


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ok. you have alot of different figs. The good thing about CoS is the convertion options so alot of units can be used for other guys if you want to theme your army.

I would probably start out with something like:

1 Frostheart Phoenix (general) 320
1 Sorceress (old teclis) 90
1 Hurricanum (convert one out of a griffon maybe) 280

10 Darkshards (spire guards) 100
10 Darkshards (spire guards) 100
30 Phoenix guards 420
20 Sisters of the Watch 320

that gives you 1630 points and is a decent base for your army. not saying this is hyper competitive but it will work very well. and this will also look great since it is a themed army.

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 Thanks for the advice!

I am not so sure how accepting the community is of conversions and proxies, but I guess I'll find out (I have a lot of gamezone dark elves that I didn;t mention for this reason). 

Any reason you would not include the griffon rider as the freeguild general on griffon, and then the swordmasters as freeguild greatswords (or executioners for that matter?)

To me the mortal wounds on 2A models seem to indicate a reasonable damage output, especially in an army that doesn't seem to have much in the way of rend.

Also wondering if reavers / dark riders are useful as screens or scorers?

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4 hours ago, Bassie said:

 Thanks for the advice!

I am not so sure how accepting the community is of conversions and proxies, but I guess I'll find out (I have a lot of gamezone dark elves that I didn;t mention for this reason). 

Any reason you would not include the griffon rider as the freeguild general on griffon, and then the swordmasters as freeguild greatswords (or executioners for that matter?)

To me the mortal wounds on 2A models seem to indicate a reasonable damage output, especially in an army that doesn't seem to have much in the way of rend.

Also wondering if reavers / dark riders are useful as screens or scorers?

I dont think the griffon fits into this city but i would use him in hammerhal or tempests eye. icould see a use for greatswords but executioners are just not that good compared to other units in the book. If you are not going for competitive then go crazy but if you are, there are just units that are clear winners and units that are not.

if you want good screens/scorers in this city, look at Tree-revenants and Aetherwings. those (for me) are your 2 best options.

Not to tell you what to do but it sounds to me like you would like Hammerhal a lot better than Living City.

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