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Painting help - finding the right colour


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I'm trying to paint up my Reapers in a mix of Crematorian and Ivory Host colours, however I've a few problems

1) A lot of the Crematorian colour schemes use yellows, oranges and reds to get the colour in the gaps in the bone. They then mostly focus on drybrushing over the top so that the rest of the skeletal model gains a black colour without it going into the cracks. Now that's fine for a darker colour, but I'm after a lighter colouration and going for that Ivory Host appearance. I'm wondering what method you'd advise to achieve this whilst retaining the brighter inner flame colours in the cracks

2) Besides small fine detail brushes and practice are there any general tips for getting variation in colour in tiny cracks for the fire effect?

3) I'm at a loss for finding a good Ivory Host colour for the bone itself. Aiming for a more amber bone colour with ambery pools in the depressions. I've tried Iyadren Yellow, but its got a very reddy dark tone to it, rather than amber. Whilst its also perhaps a bit too strong in yellow when painted over some other colours. So I'm after a sort of soft white to yellowy amber warm colouration over the bone.

Note right now the GW website is being a pain and crashing when trying to search so I'll have to edit in some photos later for those who might not know the two schemes.

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I've thought about this for a bit. 

I think the problem you have is about contrast. If you side a light color for the bone (ivory) and put red/yellow in the recesses it won't look as good because you don't have enough contrast to make the 'flames' pop. Ik think you'll need to go from flames to black/dark brown and then paint the ivory bone color, but leave some dark between the ivory and the flames. to enhance the flaming effect mix in some orange with the dark color around the flames to make it look like the fire is casting light on it surroundings. 

for subtle differences in color I would suggest glazing, using a small brush and really thinned down paint to get subtle different hues for the flames. 

The ivory color itself I would use a brown color like ballon brown and then work unto ushabti bone with a further highlight of ushabti bone mixed with white. 

I think you'll want something like I did on the skull on this banner?




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