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Abilities in the activation wars



I know when its your turn, you go first with all of your start of turn stuff, then the opponent does.

But how does this translate into abilities on the field?

Say you’re fighting in the realm of light, and the command is to strike immediately used at the beginning of the combat phase. Both players want to use it.

We enter the combat phase in player A’s turn. Does he:

1 - use the ability, and fight immediately, then player B does the same.

2 - use the ability, then player B uses the ability, then player A fights, then player B fights

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18 hours ago, Grailstorm said:

I know when its your turn, you go first with all of your start of turn stuff, then the opponent does.

But how does this translate into abilities on the field?

Say you’re fighting in the realm of light, and the command is to strike immediately used at the beginning of the combat phase. Both players want to use it.

We enter the combat phase in player A’s turn. Does he:

1 - use the ability, and fight immediately, then player B does the same.

2 - use the ability, then player B uses the ability, then player A fights, then player B fights

It's quite easy. In case of start of the phase or end of the phase, the player whos turn it is can activates anything it can and wants.

Let's say he has 3 Commandpoints, he can activate  the ability 3 times and fight with 3 units. Only when player A says that he is finished with his Start of the Combat phase, player B can activate his start of the combatphase abilitites. When he is finished to we come to the normal activations starting with player A.

The only different case would be if player B would have an ability that lets him activate an unit to fight immediatly when a enemy unit had fought.

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Presumably you resolve each ability you decide to activate before activating the next.

So in case of Strike Quickly command ability, the player whose turn is has first go at using it. Resolve combats immediately. He then gets to activate other "start of phase" abilities until he is done.

Then it is the other players opportunity to do the same.

This ability is a bit like a game of Chicken: As the player whose turn it is you are normally entitled to selecting the first unit to fight. But how likely is your opponent to pay for the ability to take that away from you by fighting first instead? Is it worth paying the CP to keep an advantage you are in danger of losing?

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