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Need advice for fitting Nagash in 2k match play


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Hi all,

I would love to fit Nagash in a list and not completely cripple myself in the process.  I currently have access to the following:


40 Skeletons-Sword and Board

40 Skeletons-Spears

40 Zombies

10 Dire Woves

20 Grave Guard

30 Ghouls


1 Terrorgheist 

1 Zombie Dragon

1 Terrorgheist/ZD unassembled

10 Black Knights

5 Blood Knights

2 Necrmancers

1 Wight King

10 Hexwraiths

5 Vampires

1 Vamp mounted on a nightmare

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wight king


40 skeletons

40 skeletons

30 zombies

the skeletons will do all the work for you and protect you from mele, 

they have 3 attacks each +1 from the Wight King, and then dance mccabra... Will kill almost anything on the board.

will suck to move the skeletons. But you can start with 3x10 zombies, then summon the skeletons where you need them. Just know that they are far better than grave guard 40 skeletons > 40 GG

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I think Nagash is defiantly still a viable choice and not much different than he was under SCGT comp where you could only cast 5 spells. 

I'd be looking to drop something like the below. Necromancer is survivable and gives Nagash another spell and can use the sword if you want to guarantee a big summon (Mourngul, terrorgeheist etc).

The remaining 800 you can use as you like depending on scenarios and match ups. I would suggest if you can though getting something to boost summoning though at 240 the morghasts are a bit pricey now (that's 30 skeletons!).

Nagash Supreme Lord Of The Undead (900)
- General
Necromancer (120)
- Artefact: Sword of Unholy Power

Zombies x 10 (60)
Zombies x 10 (60)
Zombies x 10 (60)

Total: 1200/2000


Possible summoning could be

Skeleton Warriors x 30 (240)
- Ancient Blades
Skeleton Warriors x 30 (240)
- Ancient Spear

Terrorgheist (320)

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16 hours ago, Countmoore said:


Terrorgheist (320)

Sorry but you cannot summon Terrorgheist in matched play. The only terrorgheist aviable is the FEC one and it can't be summoned.

If you fancy behemoth, there is this nice Mourngul clocking at 400 points and he seems to be undestructible. BTW you can convert a C'tan Nightbringer to make a very convincing Mourngul.

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