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Dorset Masters - 2019 Season

Chris Tomlin

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Evening all,

It's now time to start discussing and looking forward to the 2019 season of the Dorset Masters. Like the regular Masters (hosted on the Bad Dice Rankings), this will be an 18 month season instead of the regular 12. This means the event will take place in around a years time from now.

I will be purely tracking the rankings here based on the current season (from 09/12/18 onwards) as this is what we are working towards for the next Masters event. If you want to see your current position based on all results over the last 12 months at any given time. click on the link above and select 'Past Year'.

In terms of the people eligible for the Dorset Masters; this is open to anyone living or playing in the Dorset area, as well as any members of the Dorset Doggers club and affiliated individuals who have since moved afield. Obviously I can only include people I am aware of, so if you think you should be added, drop me a DM and I can get you involved.

Remember only the top 4 scores during this season will be counted towards this and anyone playing less than 4 events will have that number next to their name in brackets.

So....how do you get into the Dorset Masters 2018? There are 8 spots available and they will be allocated as follows;

  • The winner of the 2018 Dorset Masters - Laurie H-W @Lhw
  • The 6 highest placed individuals in the Bad Dice Rankings as of the season close (date tbc) - If these 6 places include either Laurie or the winner of the Dorset AoS Cup (see below), then invites will be past down to the next highest individual(s). This year I will count myself in the running!
  • The 8th spot will be decided later in the year via a knock out cup competition run over club nights - The Dorset AoS Cup. Further details tbc.

I think that is all we need to know for now. Please ask below if there are any questions.

This year rather than posting updated rankings in subsequent posts and cluttering the thread, I will just keep them listed in this first post and include the date of the last update;

Current standings - Updated 28/06/19

12 - Laurie H-W - Best in Race: Blades of Khorne
14 - Michael Wilson  - Best in Race: Hosts of Slaanesh
20 - Paul Buckler - Best in Race: Seraphon & Spiderfang Grots
35 - Matt Lyons 
39 - Richard Buckler (3)
47  - Andy Talbot
53 - Chris Tomlin - Best in Race: Phoenix Temple
61 - Steven Phillips
71 - William Philpott
91 - Tom Hewitt 
116 - Aaron Bailey (3) - Best in Race: Legion of Night
121 - Ricky Mee (2)
125 - Wayne Rendell (3)
145 - Richard Morley 
159 - Dominic Hook (3)
220 - Matt Clarke (2)
240 - Jenny Lyons (3)
281 - James Eveleigh 
306  - Ben Diesel (2)
328 - Paul Petford (1)
408 - David Fulbrook (3)
468 - Matthew Arnold (1)
500 - Wayne Holt (1)

If I have missed you off the list, please give me a poke. I know at the original time of writing the scores don't mean anything, it's more for me to just do the original bit of admin getting the names listed - all a bit of fun anyway!

Cheers guys,

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