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Fyreslayers dealing with hordes help!


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Hi, how do you guys/gals deal with horde armies as Fyreslayers? Recently played a Skaventide army with 3x 40 clanrats (plus Thanquol, bell, Abomination and a few other fun toys) but was the 3x 40+ rat hordes that were causing me the most headaches.

*I tried a Magmadroth but was a nightmare... (he cast a spell which made the rats get a bonus attack after they were killed, so any wounds I received I killed a few with my molten blood ability, which resulted in them getting an extra attack due to a rat dying which resulted in them attacking and damaging the Magmadroth, which resulted in a few dying due to the molten blood attack, repeat again and again  etc...)

I also feel Hearthguard are far too valuable to waste on mere clanrats, so stick to Vulkites?

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Well as a skaven player, I can tell you a few things about them, especially clanrats.

first and foremost they are meathsields

nothing more nothing less.

As for your problems with them yeah, death-frenzy can be a bit hard to counter but there are actually multiple ways to do so.

One is to just ignore combat and instead you shoot them down. (Not something that is easily done with the fyreslayers)

another option for you would be to basically take a technically said meathsield unit yoruself, and basically throw them at the clanrats.

basically your vulkite berserkers are perfect for that job.

give them the slingshield, granting them a 4+ save in combat and give em the buff from that hero that can increase to a 3+.

 you might not be able to protect all of your vulkites, but they will literally  kill of your pest problem and basically come out as the winner with, well if your lucky, not as many casualties as the skaven will suffer.

 anything that has a 3+  and a 4+ aftersave will probably survive  mass murder frenzied clanrats, afterall they are rend less😅.

Another option, of which I am unsure of  being a option for your army would be to basically kill the clanrats of with melee attacks that aren’t allocated in the combat phase, since deathfrenzy will only work then.



Edited by Skreech Verminking
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