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Beast of chaos ñ, tips for newbie.

Arlen Presleynn

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Hi mates. 

In few weeks I will complete my current target, legion of nagash army. 

My next step will beast of chaos. I want a few tips, not about strategy, but how I  will should buy. I read something about 3-4 start collecting but I think this is a little bit crazy, isn't? 

I want to play bestigors, beast lords, tzaangors over all... Maybe I'll buy a shaggot for future list, but at the begging I will play bray heads(is this the name of gors?). 

Also, some tip about what is better? Gavespawn, dark walkers or the other one? 

And finally, batallions with Mark of chaos? Tzeentch, I love it, nurgle or khorne? I don't know, are useful

Thank you mates. 

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Yes Brayherd’s is literally the name for every unit that has the gor or ungor  keyword in its name.

As for the great grays, I think gavespawn and the Allherd are probably the way for you to go.

Dark walkers isn’t bad either but, you really just want to take it if you’re interested in playing other units with the ambush rule, which usually is only meant for Brayherd’s.

still there’s nothing wrong going for a greatfray you like the most, or just ignoring it at all and going without them.

Beasts of chaos has probably one of the better battalions then other 2.0 battletomes.

The khorne battailon will give your Army a decent buff and will make it a bit easier to hit your targets.

the tzeentch battaillon, well let’s you basically deploy with one drop.

The nurgle battalions can damage your enemy’s a bit,

this far is just go with one that fits your esthetic, or just try them all a bit out.


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What's de point of gavespawn? Create a some chaos spawns, but is that better than ambush with any unit in the battletome?? Even warherds and thundercorns(that's not my tsrget but, I want to play this sometimes.) 

Why in most list of beast of chaos people play gave spawn and for my surprise, chaos lord in mantícore with nurgle mark, (or maybe was chaps sorcerer) 

Thank you for answering my post. 

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2 hours ago, Arlen Presleynn said:

What's de point of gavespawn? Create a some chaos spawns, but is that better than ambush with any unit in the battletome?? Even warherds and thundercorns(that's not my tsrget but, I want to play this sometimes.) 

Why in most list of beast of chaos people play gave spawn and for my surprise, chaos lord in mantícore with nurgle mark, (or maybe was chaps sorcerer) 

Thank you for answering my post. 

Gavespawn is played mainly for the command ability and has a bunch of cool perks. Heroes turning into a chaos spawn when they die (usually) is handy, since they can do a bit more damage, or screen, or just block the opponent. The artifact is a powerful one, particularly on a Beastlord. He can kill a lot of the heroes in one on one combat.

Going back to the command ability, it's an impressive buff, and very easy to trigger by summoning in a spawn off the table edge, or with a hero spawn.

Edit due to accidentally submitting early ea

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Hmm chaos spawn wasnt in muy buy list, but maybe with 4 was enough... 

I like  transformation rule... But... Just another one question... If I choose gavespawn bray, can I still use allignance traits, like sacrifice and summon, or ambush? I mean, choose a bray is an addition or replace it? 

Thank mates

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/25/2019 at 3:19 PM, Arlen Presleynn said:

Hmm chaos spawn wasnt in muy buy list, but maybe with 4 was enough... 

I like  transformation rule... But... Just another one question... If I choose gavespawn bray, can I still use allignance traits, like sacrifice and summon, or ambush? I mean, choose a bray is an addition or replace it? 

Thank mates

Yes the bray’s are on top of the allegiance abilities :) 

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Hi again mates, as I say few days ago, I will start my beast of chaos army

I start my collection with this

Battletome data cards and dice(the beast of chaos ones) 

30 bestigors

30 gors

20 ungors


2 ghorgon / cigor (unassembled bits for dual use)

6 bullgor

1 doombull

2 shamans

2 beastlord

1 braystone

Beast endless spells


And all this for the ridiculous price of 300€(price in store is near 500€ maybe Yo can save something with sc. But the price is fine anyway) 

I know, this is not the most optimal army, but in my game club don't play competitive. 

I get  4 chaos spawn from a conquest collection. And 3 dragon ogers and shaggot for a friend of mine. 

I can't wait to test it on table 

Thanks for tips and help mates. Now can play with my 2 favorites armies, Legion of Nagash and beast of chaos

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