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Path to Glory - Wanderers or Darkling Covens?

Thalassic Monstrosity

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Hi everyone, I've been kind of wrestling with a decision for a couple of days and I was hoping to get some advice!  A friend and I are starting a Path to Glory campaign and I've been trying to decide between Wanderers and Darkling Covens as a group.

(I know Aelves are one listing in the PtG book, but my friend wants to use Allegiance abilities so I'd like to focus on one group for the purpose of keyword interactions).

My friend is starting Tzaangor-heavy Tzeentch so as you can imagine it's going to be something of an uphill fight for me.  We played PtG before, his Nighthaunt versus my Stormcast, and he would consistently wipe me from the board with minimal losses.  I'm kind of keen on that not happening again.

So which faction, in everyone's eyes, might give me something approaching a fighting chance?  I know they're both really frail, and a unit of Enlightened on Disks (which I expect to see) can delete a unit of mine with no problem but I don't know.

Also, my friend is cool with me adding Sisters of the Watch as an Elite option in the same line as Swordmasters.  So at least those are on the table.

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I think the DC abilities come into play with more units. Whereas i’m Guessing the wanderers teleport abilities are also very useful at lower point levels and with random units. 

So while I love my dark elves I would probably go for the wanderers... although rolling 10 executioners will destroy tzaangors 🥊 (until he gains shooting of course)

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Those are really good points. Honestly one of the biggest selling points for me for Wanderers was the Sisters of the Watch, who I was confident could put out some serious hurt on these Tzeentch units.


So far for Wanderers I was considering:

Nomad Prince

Sisters of the Watch (2 choices)

Eternal Guard

And then a unit of either Eternal or Grave Guard. Or perhaps even a hero.

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