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Before Warhammering, how can i improve?


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i'm starting again to paint after years (i was a very bad painter but i liked it).

I have take a Hero Quest Ork to start again.

What do you think? How can i improve?

I don't like the powder effect of the drying so i try to layering.

Thank you!



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That is way better than the first model I painted after coming back to the hobby and I'd say you're at a good tabletop standard already there.

My approach is to pick one part of the model to try and improve, scour YouTube for examples and try stuff out. Once I'm happy with a technique for painting robes for example, I'll add that to my painting arsenal and move on to something else. 

On your current model I would say that you could add one more layer of highlighting to pick out the most prominent details and create slightly more contrast. An example would be using a lighter green (or the top green mixed with a flesh colour) to pick out the nose, brows, tips of the ears and parts of the lower lip. You won't need much to add more visual interest to the face, so nice and thin paint, applied sparingly.

Looking forward to seeing more!

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