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Everything posted by Nephthys

  1. What i'm currently working on - Dragon Prince/Corsair converted into Blood Knights.. 4 more to go! This is the tester.
  2. Hello all! So, to help keep myself motivated, i thought i'd start a plog.. Also, i may pick up some handy tips! Some of my work thus far.. Skeles and their dog.. Vampire Lord..
  3. Are you suggesting I blow my nose and smash his minis with a hammer?
  4. Hey,  Wanted to open up some discussion on how to counter FEC as I've been having some troubles as of late. I'm a LoN player, specifically Legion of Blood. Played my first game vs my friends FEC last night at 1000pts. He was using the gristle gore allegiance with 2 terrorgheists and they flattened me with their auto 6 mortal wound malarkey.  I run fairly usual LON armies. Unit of 40 skeles, some wolves, archai, necro, vampire Lord, Wight King. 
  5. Thank you Honk. What do you mean by beguile the coven throne? I was actually using the orb of enchantment but completely forgot about it. When we realised we were too far in, but we play tested if I'd used it and I did a good 9 wounds to the gheist with my Archai and vamp, which would definitely of slowed it down and most importantly stopped it wiping out my 2 Archai In 1 round..
  6. Hey, Wanted to open up some discussion on how to counter FEC as I've been having some troubles as of late. I'm a LoN player, specifically Legion of Blood. Played my first game vs my friends FEC last night at 1000pts. He was using the gristle gore allegiance with 2 terrorgheists and they flattened me with their auto 6 mortal wound malarkey. I run fairly usual LON armies. Unit of 40 skeles, some wolves, archai, necro, vampire Lord, Wight King.
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