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WTS/WTT Very well painted Ironjawz army.


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Hello guys and gals, 

I'm looking to either sell or trade my full painted Ironjawz army. I have included a few sample photos. If anyone requires more please let me know. I'm U.K based but I will ship world wide if the price is right. I'm also close to Buckinghamshire and London. 

In terms of selling I'm after around £600-£1000

In terms of trading I'm after a fully painted army, at least 2k points worth of any following faction:

Tzeentch, Kharadron overlords, Stormcast externals, Deepkin or Sylvaneth.

I am also looking to trade my fully painted Skaven army.


Could always work something out where I trade both my armies for yours if the deal is right etc. 

The army is as follows:

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
Orruk Megaboss (140)
Orruk Megaboss (140)
Orruk Warchanter (80)
Orruk Warchanter (80)
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)
Orruk Warboss (140)
9 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (420)
20 x Orruk Brutes (720)
30 x Orruk Ardboys (450)

Total: 2730 / 2000

Wounds: 217






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  • 3 weeks later...

I have more then 2000 points of Stormcast i want to trade, more or less painted but all at tabletop standard.

Vandus Hammerhand (or lord celestant on dracoth- painted)

A couple of knight incantors, one painted.

Lord veritant and his gryph hound (the hound painted)

Knight- Venator (painted)

2 concussors (half painted)

10 retributors (painted)

5 Concussors painted that i use as Judicators and around 5 more to build/paint

10 sequitors that i use as  liberators (5 painted, 5 half paintes)  and more sequitors unpainted

5 evocators painted and a bunch more unpainted

1 ballista painted and 1 half.

the 3 endless spells painted

2 lord arcanum on gryph charger.....

And you got it, let me know if you're interested! I can sort them out better and send you photos! (If not interested i'll delete this post)


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