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Tournament list advice


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I'm going to be participating in the NOVA open tournament and will be taking an Ironjawz army. They are using the General's Handbook matched play rules and 1500 point armies. I wanted some advice on my list. Following is my current list with all the Ironjawz units I own. 

Gordrakk -700

Weirdnob Shaman-120

Warchanter -80

Ardboys 3 units of 10 -540

Ardfist battalion -40. (Just to get the bonus from Gordrakk)

This totals 1480 points. I'm thinking of a few possible changes. One would be to take out a unit of Ardboys and put in either 5 Brutes or 3 Gore-gruntas. The other would be to drop Gordrakk to the unnamed version, add Brutes or Gore-gruntas, and take the Ironfist instead of Ardfist. 

So three questions. Should I change anything at all? If so should I keep Gordrakk or take a mega boss instead? And would you take Brutes or Gore-gruntas?  Thanks

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At 1500pt gordrakk is both a boon and a problem, as it might be tough for enemies to deal with him at 1500pts as he is baller, but then a canny enemy will just kill your ardboyz and win the scenario making him fun but largely ineffective

Dropping him to a mawcrusha mega boss would free up 180 points (for 5 brutes or goregruntas) 

id also consider dropping the ardfist battalion as you haven't got any spare points for reinforcements so it's value is just a formation (40pts) and the weirdnob (120pts) and then take a ironfist battalion (60pts) and either a black Orc big boss (100pts) or a second warchanter 

So basically your list becomes 

megaboss on mawcrusha 


warchanter/black Orc big boss 

4 units of any of 10 ardboyz 5 brutes or 3 goregruntas (personally I'd take 20 ardboyz 5 brutes and 3 gore grunta and make the boss of the brutes have 2 extra wounds) 

ironfist battalion 

1480 or 1500 if you take the BOBB


hope that helps :-)

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1500 points is a weird amount now :)

At first glance, I'd drop the Weirdnob and pick up the Megaboss. I just don't find the Weirdnob worth the utility, where the Megaboss wrecks face. 

The Ardfist is another sadface. According to the GBH, we have to PAY the points to bring these units back! Ironfist is better and pretty much mandatory :)

Gordrakk will charge and kill anything you want him to.

Ardboyz are decent, though I prefer Brutes for the Megaboss ability that allows them to reroll 1's. Ardboyz are great for board control, and with Big Choppaz to get to rend. Warchanter adding +1 to hit is really nice. Be sure to add the Drummer, Orruk Banner and Icon of Gork to each unit.

So hilariously, with what you have...I wouldn't change much :)








Give the Warchanter the talisman of Protection, and make him your General with Ravager. He is on foot, and will be close to your units of Ardboyz. He will want to Inspiring Presence them. The Weirdnob will be good for Arcane Shield on a unit. Gordrakk will go up a flank and smash stuff.

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Yeah the 1500 pt thing is weird making things tough. 

I really only picked a battalion at all to use Gordrakks special ability knowing that I wouldn't be using it for its own rules. 

I would like to take a walking megaboss and/or both brutes and gore-gruntas but painting time and cash flow are limited. I could probably pull off one of the three but certainly not more than that. 

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I'd have too second not using Gordrakk at this point level you really want as many units as possible for his command ability and it also leaves you without traits.....I'd run somthing liek this more boots on the ground, still a fat dragon and a battalion so you can run double items.(and the ironfist is our best battalion)


1.5k ironjawz

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha-520

Battle line Units

10-Ard Boyz 180
10-Ard Boyz 180
5-Brutes 180
5-Brutes 180


Other Units/Formations

Ironfist 60

Army Total:1500

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I'm on the side of the fence that Gordrakk will kill enough stuff where you don't have to worry about taking another unit. Also, make the Warchanter your General and you can take a trait, Gordrakk will be (and should be!) too far away killing stuff to use his Command Ability.

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48 minutes ago, LordDrakonus said:

I'd have too second not using Gordrakk at this point level you really want as many units as possible for his command ability and it also leaves you without traits.....I'd run somthing liek this more boots on the ground, still a fat dragon and a battalion so you can run double items.(and the ironfist is our best battalion)


1.5k ironjawz

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha-520

Battle line Units

10-Ard Boyz 180
10-Ard Boyz 180
5-Brutes 180
5-Brutes 180


Other Units/Formations

Ironfist 60

Army Total:1500

This is the exact list I'm planning on taking to NOVA. Though I am considering dropping the shaman for another warchanter and coming in 40pts low. I don't think I will end up doing that though.

Luckily, I'm just doing the Narrative and not the GT so winning everything doesn't really matter to me.

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