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Looking for advice re: painting models separately from their bases


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So I'm painting Sacrosanct Stormcast, and for most of the models, their robes make it nearly impossible to base the model after it's glued down. So far I've just been painting the Soul Wars models, who have little pegs on their feet that slot into the bases (and only go in one way), so it's been easy to paint them on their bases, then take them off to paint the bases, then stick them back on again. However, I've now got some of the multi-part Sequitors, and I'm not sure how to approach doing it with them.

Should I drill a hole in one foot, glue a bit of paperclip in there, and stick them on top of a cork? I've done that for sub-assembly of little parts before, but I'm a little worried it won't work out well with a big chunky model like a Stormcast. Or is it better to just blu tac them onto something? 

Equally, what's the best way of marking where their feet are going to go on the base when you're painting that?

TL;DR - how do you go about painting your models separate from their bases? 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/30/2018 at 8:35 AM, robinlvalentine said:

So I'm painting Sacrosanct Stormcast, and for most of the models, their robes make it nearly impossible to base the model after it's glued down. So far I've just been painting the Soul Wars models, who have little pegs on their feet that slot into the bases (and only go in one way), so it's been easy to paint them on their bases, then take them off to paint the bases, then stick them back on again. However, I've now got some of the multi-part Sequitors, and I'm not sure how to approach doing it with them.

Should I drill a hole in one foot, glue a bit of paperclip in there, and stick them on top of a cork? I've done that for sub-assembly of little parts before, but I'm a little worried it won't work out well with a big chunky model like a Stormcast. Or is it better to just blu tac them onto something? 

Equally, what's the best way of marking where their feet are going to go on the base when you're painting that?

TL;DR - how do you go about painting your models separate from their bases? 

I have painting both the easy to build and the soul wars sequiturs. The soul wars set I cut of the pin under the foot as the surface of the soul is big enough to glue. So I’m painting them from a handle and doing all the bases later and gluing them on. For the easy to build ones, I just loosely pressed the in the base. Half way through I’ll do the bases and then press them in fully. That way I have a better sense of what to do with the bases. 

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21 minutes ago, Kramer said:

I have painting both the easy to build and the soul wars sequiturs. The soul wars set I cut of the pin under the foot as the surface of the soul is big enough to glue. So I’m painting them from a handle and doing all the bases later and gluing them on. For the easy to build ones, I just loosely pressed the in the base. Half way through I’ll do the bases and then press them in fully. That way I have a better sense of what to do with the bases. 

But when you've taken the pin off the foot, what are you then holding it by to paint? Did you stick it onto a handle somehow? 

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15 minutes ago, robinlvalentine said:

But when you've taken the pin off the foot, what are you then holding it by to paint? Did you stick it onto a handle somehow? 

Oh sorry haha. Yes I use photo putty. Don’t know how else to describe it. And just stick it on pieces of wood of can tops. These are on bases. But these I did the bases first, but same idea  



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