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Large selection of models goes Direct Order Only


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So a heads up as someone over on the Hive noticed this for Tyranids - it seems GW has put a new bunch of models on direct order only on their website. Tyranid Warriors and a bunch of other things as well as stuff in other forces (I noticed that Doomfire Warlocks are now also on direct order only). 

This might just be GW trying to ease its production issue by moving more products onto direct order and thus not having to produce excess for their own stores and for the 3rd party retail market (since the whole distribution network not only takes stock for sale, but can also have some products taken up that then sit around for a while; esp as not all customers buy from 3rd parties and not every GW store has demand for the same inventory). Hopefully this is a short term (year or so) thing as GW gets over its production shortfall. Considering their current massive profits I doubt that GW is hungering for the increased profit from direct sales over 3rd party sales. 

For now it would be good to check for your armies and if there's anything you were after best grab it now if you want it from independent stores.

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25 minutes ago, Overread said:

So a heads up as someone over on the Hive noticed this for Tyranids - it seems GW has put a new bunch of models on direct order only on their website. Tyranid Warriors and a bunch of other things as well as stuff in other forces (I noticed that Doomfire Warlocks are now also on direct order only). 

This might just be GW trying to ease its production issue by moving more products onto direct order and thus not having to produce excess for their own stores and for the 3rd party retail market (since the whole distribution network not only takes stock for sale, but can also have some products taken up that then sit around for a while; esp as not all customers buy from 3rd parties and not every GW store has demand for the same inventory). Hopefully this is a short term (year or so) thing as GW gets over its production shortfall. Considering their current massive profits I doubt that GW is hungering for the increased profit from direct sales over 3rd party sales. 

For now it would be good to check for your armies and if there's anything you were after best grab it now if you want it from independent stores.

I literally started a Warherd army and not only are things web only but are starting to fall out of production...

I emailed GW asking if they will have the Ghorgon/Cygor back in stock soon and they replied with:

I am sorry but as its sadly not possible for us to keep our whole range in stock indefinitely, sometimes items are removed and discontinued. Unfortunately, we have no info on whether the Ghorgon will be back in the foreseeable future. All we can advise is to keep an eye on the website, Warhammer Community page and White Dwarf for any news.

Concerning, that they may be slowly removing stock again. However luckily I grabbed two Bloodfeast Gorgers sets from Ebay...


Update: They are back in stock! I was wrong, however still a confusing no committal response to my email!

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Ghorgon is in stock on the UK website. In general the only one you have to worry about is "last chance" or "no longer produced" warnings. Out of stock is just that and using the "email me" button does work well (it also gets monitored so if lots of people use it on one model GW will bump it up the production line)

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