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Hi there

New forum member but old person.  I've been playing Warhammer on and off since the early 80's when it was released.  Which probably makes me older than most of the forum population.

With the release of AoS 2 I've decided to have another go for nostalgia reasons.  I really like GW models and I've gone back to an army I've had in several editions over the years, the Orcs.  Well this time around they are Iron Jaws and they are bigger and spikier than the armies of old but hey, green is green right?

Just bought enough for 1000 points to start with and I'm assembling them slowly.  You really do get tons of bits in the latest boxes don't you.  Remember I started with single pose white metal and the first single pose plastics were yet to be invented.   :) 

I've played all sorts of different games over the years but looking forward to throwing some dice and moving plastic around the tabletop again in the near future.  


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Hi @AaronWIlson

My initial list is going to be this:

Allegiance: Ironjawz
Orruk Megaboss (140)
Orruk Warchanter (80)
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)
10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)
5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
Weirdfist or Ironfist (180)

Total: 1000 / 1000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 200
Wounds: 69

The idea is that I have a little bit of everything and I can swap between the two different battalions to alter the playstyle a little.  Now I don't think the game is particularly balanced at 1000 points but I'm playing for fun these days not tournaments so that doesn't matter much. 

What I hope to do is get several games in just to see what the army does and and how it plays and what units I like.  I'll use that to increase to 2000 eventually but I'm not in any great rush.  All I know at the moment is that I will be getting a 'cabbage' as that model is just so nice.  I just thought it was probably too much to use at 1000 points.

I was lucky in that my local GW still had a Weirdnob Warband box on the shelf (can't get them in the UK any more) so I snapped that up plus a start collecting plus a warboss on foot so I still got to take advantage of the cheapest way to get up and running.

I've still got a Gore Grunta to assemble plus a few more Ardboyz and then hopefully I can get them on a table somewhere.

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I like the list buddy, as you said a bit of everything is good for learning the game :) I find it best it takes games slow, read each warscroll when it's relavent etc. Even though the core rules are simple there is a lot that goes on with warscrolls and synergies. Let us know how those first games goes :D

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