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Charge an enemy surrounded by your troops



4 answers to this question

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Yes, as long as the unit satisfies the basic 12" requirement for charging and can actually be reached after rolls.

Flying only has the restriction that you cannot end your move on top of another model.

EDIT: About the first part, without flying. At least one model (the first one) must come into contact (1/2 inch) with the enemy unit. How you do this doesn't really matter, above through flying, circling around the unit etc. If you cannot do this however, the charge fails. Furthermore there must be enough space to move through the gaps of your skeletons.

The rules for charging are rather lax, when you consider other system which tend to be rather restrictive.

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Just to clarify - you have to physically be able to fit models between models to charge 'through' a friendly unit, and account for this in measuring the movement.

Flying means you can ignore this.

You can still attempt to charge but if you don't roll high enough to get within .5" by going either through gaps or around the unit, the charge fails.

But frankly if you have 40 skeletons engaging a unit from the front, barring a flying move over the top to attack the enemy unit from the rear, I don't see how you'd be able to physically fit the models as you probably won't have a clear 25mm corridor through the unit in combat.

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31 minutes ago, BaldoBeardo said:

But frankly if you have 40 skeletons engaging a unit from the front, barring a flying move over the top to attack the enemy unit from the rear, I don't see how you'd be able to physically fit the models as you probably won't have a clear 25mm corridor through the unit in combat.

that was exactly my problem and it is clear to me now that the short answer is "no charge" (except for flying with the restrictions)

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