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Team Play Question



My group pretty much exclusively plays team games but there seems to be very little in the way of rulings for team play (I know the game is inherently a 2 player game.)  We always use matched play because we are not a creative group and like the competitive nature of it.  Still, it's my absolute favorite way to play.  Pizza, beer and a couple friends killing each other.

For those of you out there who play team games, how do you handle abilities that read "Friendly units in your army?"  Do you let those cross to your teammates?  Obviously abilities that say and "units" are good to go but the "in your army" was up for some discussion.

The issue resurfaced because in the past we read "in your army" as units explicitly in your own personal army.  Now, the new rules seem to indicate that wherever there is wording of "friendly" it means "in your army."  Because of this, a variety of abilities now come into question.

So what is an army?  Is it a side of players?  Is it a side of players in the same grand alliance?  If you're the same grand alliance AND an army does that mean you can take only one named hero  per team?  One of a specific artifact?

I've read adepticon rules for team play but I was wondering how people in general play.


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2 answers to this question

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Whenever we have done team games we have done it on the principles that you are making individual armies for the sake of army building (Each get a relic, command trait, general, allegiance and must fill out the required battline requirement etc) but a single army for the sake of playing which means:

Rule of 1 applies to whole team (no casting mystic shield once each)

All units are FRIENDLY but do not gain allegiance (If it targets friendly units it works, if it targets friendly sylvaneth you are putting it on that dwarf)

Objectives are held as a team

And so on


From a named character point of view I've always been on the "just dont" side of fielding multiples of the same unique character, I hate nagash facing off nagash on the battlefield let alone a 2 team game where Nagash and Nagash have teamed up to take out Nagash and Nagash

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