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1k list for tourney


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Hey guys, I've got a 1k tourney coming up in about two weeks but it's my first time going to one, so I'm not sure what to bring or what list to build with what I have. I know my local meta is very orruk-heavy, with the exception of one guy who runs a wanderer list with lots and lots of glade guard. I currently have the following models:


1 necro

1 wight king

40 skellies

4 Morghast

10 grave guard

6 spirit host

What would you reccomend going for? I have a limited budget atm, but I could afford something along the lines of a box of dire wolves or a box of Tormented Spirits/Deathrattle Barrows (so like 30, maybe 40 euros max) to complement what I have.

EDIT: to clarify my last point, I was thinking I could go for dogs to go for a legion of night list with 2x2 morghast in ambush or I could go for the Nighthaunt approach with the box of Spirits and arkhan as an ally.

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My suggestion would be something like this. 

Legion of Night

1x Necromancer - General - Terrifying Visage, Overwhelming Dread

1x Necromancer - Morbheg's Claw,  Fading Vigour

40x Skeletons - Spears

5x Dire Wolves

2x Morghast Harbingers - Halberds

2x Morghast Harbingers - Halberds



Focus on positioning your grave markers so that you can get as many within range of the skeletons as possible. Coupled with "The Bait" rule and Inspiring presence they will be nigh unkillable and be able to dominate space and take objectives well while the Necromancers hide in their midst with supercharged casting thanks to Morbheg's claw. Enemy units that attack the skeletons will be at between -2 and -5 bravery which can be devastating.  (skeleton banner, visage, overwhelming dread potential double cast, morghast aura)

Meanwhile the two units of Harbingers ambush and hammer the opponent from the backline which can be devastating, especially to armies that depend on shooting. I'd recommend keeping all the Morghasts together so they can support each other.  The reason to do 2 smaller units instead of 1 bigger unit is to give yourself two chances to make the 3D6 charge on the turn they come into play. 

The Dire Wolves would be used to babysit objectives, or speed bump, or whatever you need them to do. 

Be wary of shooting armies being able to erase your necromancers, try to use LoS blocking terrain as much as possible but also don't be afraid to sacrifice skeletons to take hits for your necromancers. Also don't forget about Vanhels, the debuff spells are great but sometimes you need your skeletons to hit like trucks. 40 skeletons with Vanhels on them can do a lot of damage. 

This list should do well against most armies and you just need to buy dire wolves and a necromancer. 

An alternative option would be to take the exact same list as Grand Host of Nagash swapping Visage for Lord of Nagashizzar and the Claw for Ossific Diadem. You would basically be giving up ambush for harder hitting morghasts while sacrificing casting power for more powerful skeletons. 

In the future, as the army grows to 2000pts, then you can introduce Mannfred or Arkhan.

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Hey, thanks for the answer! I was actually thinking of a fairly similar list, but with a vamp lord instead of the necro and reducing the unit of 40 to 30, my thinking being that by having the lord in ambush I could make him appear with the Morghast to give them the 6+ save and in case he survived until next turn have him buff their attack by one with the command ability. Your list does look good though, so I'm going to have to consider whether or not to buy necro/vamp lord.

The other list I had in mind was something like:

Arkhan (320) (Soul Harvest) + Necromancer (110) (Overwhelming Dread) + 6 Spirit Hosts (240) + 10 Wolves (120) + 10 Skeles (80) + Cairn Wraith (60) In a Legion of sacrament list with the Necro with the artifact that gives -2 to hit in the shooting phase. 

What are your thoughts on this one? It kind of irks me that I have 70 leftover points there, and I could go for a second Necro instead of the Wraith I guess but I wanted some form of hero that hits harder than a Necro, so if I did that I may have to go for spell damage with Amarathine + Harvest + Overwhelming Dread as spells on my heroes. Is it better to just go for Night? And if so, should I go for necros then? I kinda wanted to give a bit more resilience to my morghast while also having the ability to hit hard so that's why I chose the vamp lord, but I understand 30 skeles are far from ideal.

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14 hours ago, smucreo said:

Hey, thanks for the answer! I was actually thinking of a fairly similar list, but with a vamp lord instead of the necro and reducing the unit of 40 to 30, my thinking being that by having the lord in ambush I could make him appear with the Morghast to give them the 6+ save and in case he survived until next turn have him buff their attack by one with the command ability. Your list does look good though, so I'm going to have to consider whether or not to buy necro/vamp lord.

The other list I had in mind was something like:

Arkhan (320) (Soul Harvest) + Necromancer (110) (Overwhelming Dread) + 6 Spirit Hosts (240) + 10 Wolves (120) + 10 Skeles (80) + Cairn Wraith (60) In a Legion of sacrament list with the Necro with the artifact that gives -2 to hit in the shooting phase. 

What are your thoughts on this one? It kind of irks me that I have 70 leftover points there, and I could go for a second Necro instead of the Wraith I guess but I wanted some form of hero that hits harder than a Necro, so if I did that I may have to go for spell damage with Amarathine + Harvest + Overwhelming Dread as spells on my heroes. Is it better to just go for Night? And if so, should I go for necros then? I kinda wanted to give a bit more resilience to my morghast while also having the ability to hit hard so that's why I chose the vamp lord, but I understand 30 skeles are far from ideal.

Yeah, I really would have preffered a vampire in the place of the second Necro but there is just nowhere to really lower points. Imo 40 skeletons is far superior to 30 skeletons, you are paying less pts per models for more powerful skeletons. I find its just too easy to kill a single skeleton to drop their offensive output by 1/3. 

I tried running the whole Arkhan Sacrament list when the book first dropped and it really struggles to do much damage which also is a problem when you don't have numbers to dominate zone and hold objectives. If someone shows up with a super powerful monster of some sort you really have no tools to deal with it. Nor would you be able to chew through big tough anvils.  I'd say, "if" you want to go sacrament, find room for 2 Morghasts, just so you have one option to hammer with. Something like this:



20 Skeletons

2 Morghasts

5 Dire Wolves

3 Spirit Host




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56 minutes ago, Josh said:

i think you saw my post re: my 1000pt tourny i went to recently resulting in 5th / 18




cain wraith


5 dogs

5 dogs

9 hosts

Hey! Yeah and honestly I was going to go this route but I wanted to see what the other death players thought :D I'm still super tempted to go your way and that's why I suggested I could probably just buy the tormented spirits set and some dogs, it's just that if there was a cheaper way i would be willing to maybe try that since I'm a bit short on money atm hehe

But I still appreciate your help, don't doubt it! :)

15 minutes ago, themortalgod said:

Yeah, I really would have preffered a vampire in the place of the second Necro but there is just nowhere to really lower points. Imo 40 skeletons is far superior to 30 skeletons, you are paying less pts per models for more powerful skeletons. I find its just too easy to kill a single skeleton to drop their offensive output by 1/3. 

I tried running the whole Arkhan Sacrament list when the book first dropped and it really struggles to do much damage which also is a problem when you don't have numbers to dominate zone and hold objectives. If someone shows up with a super powerful monster of some sort you really have no tools to deal with it. Nor would you be able to chew through big tough anvils.  I'd say, "if" you want to go sacrament, find room for 2 Morghasts, just so you have one option to hammer with. Something like this:



20 Skeletons

2 Morghasts

5 Dire Wolves

3 Spirit Host



Yeah the numbers thing is one other reason why I'm doubting going for the route @Josh suggests, and honestly I'm just spitballing since I haven't tested anything at 1000 (at 2000 I play a Nagash list with proxies so really I haven't tested much of anything tbh), so that's why I wanted to see suggestions. I'll think about it some more, but thanks again for the new suggestion! Both of the lists you suggest look cool indeed :) 

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