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Legions of Nagash - Skirmish

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Just sat down to plan out a skirmish campaign, and then the thought occurred to me that I have no idea what the regeneration rules are for Legions of Nagash in Skirmish mode. They're individual models, but still vaguely part of a unit - can the unit regain lost members? Or does all of that go out the window, and you just have some rather underwhelming skeletons walking around?

Any help or guidance would be superb!

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57 minutes ago, AlphaKennyThing said:

Just sat down to plan out a skirmish campaign, and then the thought occurred to me that I have no idea what the regeneration rules are for Legions of Nagash in Skirmish mode. They're individual models, but still vaguely part of a unit - can the unit regain lost members? Or does all of that go out the window, and you just have some rather underwhelming skeletons walking around?

Any help or guidance would be superb!

As per skirmish rules, (SUMMONED UNITS, p.16), you can't return models once they've been slain, and SKIRMISH FORMATION on the same page confirms you fight in units of one. It just groups them as individual selections from a warscroll to make sure people don't turn up with a bunch of champions or special weapons.

On the plus side, Deathly Invocation will still heal multiwound stuff.


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