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Nagash first Cohort Tank list (2000)


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Allegiance: Death

Leaders Nagash Supreme Lord Of The Undead (800)


10 x Skeleton Warriors (80) 

10 x Skeleton Warriors (80) 

10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)

4 x Morghast Archai (440)


Mortis Engine (180)

Mortis Engine (180)

Battalions The First Cohort (160)

Total: 2000 / 2000 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 94

The idea is (scenario dependent) Nagash would be super durable and be able to just get stuck in and kill everything himself.

First cohort would create the following wound sheild:

Normal save>Deathless minions>Pass to morghasts>Deathless minions

Mortal wounds would be easier to avoid:

Special armour>Deathless minions>pass to morghasts>Special armour>Deathless minions

Spells and Mortis engines healing what wounds do drip through.

Risky. All your eggs are in one big basket but... How'd you think it would play out?

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Hi there!

Any reason to have alliance death instead of Grand Host of Nagash?

Instead of the mortis engines you could get 2 necromancers. That way you could use their 1d3 to restore minions and two objects.

They would be protected by the skeletons anyway.

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It would be grand host sorry yes.

Mortis instead of skellys due to the ability to heal Nagash. There's a lot of hard hitters out there. I frequently get flung up against Stormraiders, cannons and Durthu.  Feel like nagash needs every bit of support if he's to survive long enough to kill everything. Also that's 2 D3 damage to everything in range.

By contrast I think my skellys will be snuffed out the second someone looks at them whether there's a necromancer or not.

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I am afraid that this list would lose on objectives every single game, even duality of death since the two objectives are too far apart for Nagah to cast spells at the enemy hero on the other objective.   The reason most Nagash lists take 60-90 skeletons is that you need a unit that can both tarpit your opponent away from objectives while Nagash gets in range to kill them.  Three units of ten skeletons would be wiped off the board by the end of turn 2.  Regeneration is useless if nothing is left standing.

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2 hours ago, Richelieu said:

I am afraid that this list would lose on objectives every single game, even duality of death since the two objectives are too far apart for Nagah to cast spells at the enemy hero on the other objective.   The reason most Nagash lists take 60-90 skeletons is that you need a unit that can both tarpit your opponent away from objectives while Nagash gets in range to kill them.  Three units of ten skeletons would be wiped off the board by the end of turn 2.  Regeneration is useless if nothing is left standing.

The problem I've had playing death is having anything left PERIOD. My opponents have mostly been extremely hard hitting and their tactics have usually been to wipe me off the table and worry about objectives later.

The only luck I've had is with massive zombie hordes. 3x60 with corpse carts etc. Even then it's been close wrought and has relied on some frowned upon daisy chaining to win me the game before I wiped.

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  • 4 weeks later...

UPDATE: I tried it. Against a Daughters of Kaine list. Worked a treat.

The scenario was a 'kill the messenger' assassination type thing. I know this list is vulnerable to objectives and I thought this one was going to stuff me. I couldn't pick nagash as the 'messenger' so felt a bit vulnerable. I gave the messenger to a mortis engine and just kept racing it around the back trying to keep it out of trouble and using the token skellys to run interference.


Skeletons were more effective than I'd thought they'd be even in 10's. The Nagash tank at the heart of things was unstoppable though. very effective. Mortis engines were really effective too. Fast, resilient.


Might be fielding it in my next game against a hard hitting ogre army... it's definitely vulnerable to objectives though.

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Always comes down to the missions... I played with Nagash, necromancer, 4 Morghast harbringer with halberds, 40 Skellis, 10 Skellis and 5 Black knights.

Fun Game against Iron Jawz, nagash nearly an unkillable wreckingball due to the 4 morghast (30 brutes, 3 gruntas and a mawcrusher in 2 rounds) and the centre and objectives held by the skelli blob. black knight outriders capturing objectives with the small unit for babysitting purposes. But you do you...

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