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Playing first ever matched game... Clarify 'abilities' please!



Hi all,

Myself and a friend are looking to play our first ever game of AoS. I've played a few games when it came out in 2015, but would've just been open play. 

It's going to be a 1k point game, Order Serpentis vs Slaves to Darkness. 

My list: Dragon, Fleetmaster, 2x5 Drakespawn, Drakespawn Chariot, Hydra. Faction: Order Serpentis (w/40pts Allies). Allegiance: Anvilgard.

My questions revolves around command abilities, allegiance abilities, battle traits etc. 

I've put together a crib sheet from my rule book so I have a 1 page reference in addition to warscrolls etc. 

1) I want to make use of the Anvilgard rule 'Implacable March'. Order Serpentis, from what I can see, have no Allegiance bonus other than Order. If I took  the Order allegiance, that would let me use Defiant Avengers instead? Otherwise, my Allegiance bonus is Anvilgard in this case? (Therefore, Anvilgard is a 'Battle Trait' of their Allegiance?)

2) Command Traits. Select or roll, depending on agreement. This belongs to the General of your army. I can only take Order, because Order Serpentis do not have their own.

3) Artefacts. As above, but if I took a Battalion, I could have an additional artefact for another hero? This wouldn't apply yet obviously, as I've not got spare points to buy my Battalion.

4) Dreadlord's Command Ability. Is this in addition to the allegiance bonus or instead of it? I can also use Inspiring Presence instead if I wish? (Or if I took Strategic Genius I could use the Do Not Disappoint Me and Inspiring Presence?)

5) Battalion Bonuses. I've assumed these stack with Command Abilities and Allegiance bonuses (battle traits?) such as Anvilgard? Again, not relevant now but will be going forward.

Missed anything??

Finally, any advice for a first game regarding scenery or objectives? Playing on a 4x4 table as per the rules and know to roll for scenery (will be makeshift for now, obviously). 

Thanks in advance.

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2 answers to this question

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1. Correct. You will get both defiant avengers and implacable march. "The only change is that you won’t be able to stack the allegiance abilities from Firestorm with any others apart from the Grand Allegiance abilities." Meaning you both.  See: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/10/06/firestorm-matched-play-rules-update/

2. Deciding on the trait is up to you, only roll if you can't decide. Other than that correct. 

3. Correct. 

4. I'm assuming you're referencing the command trait? If so, it is in addition to the command ability, they are entirely separate and command traits always have effect, a command ability is chosen in the hero phase, and your general can use only one (unless affected by something like strategic genius). You can always use inspiring presence instead of the command trait on the warscroll, and can use both in a game, just not in the same turn (unless affected by something like strategic genius). Yes, you could use both with Strategic Genius, but don't forget that you have to roll, and it's only a 1/3 chance. I would take something more reliable, and assuming your general is the Dragonlord, Master of Defense and Tenacious are good defensively and Legendary Fighter and Reckless are good offensively.  The Drakespawn Knights have good bravery so battleshock shouldn't be a big worry. 

5. Correct

Scenery wise, rolling is optional. It is random, but can result in a rather barren or overflowing board. I would personally suggest you set up whatever looks cool, both armies are melee focused so you won't be giving either side a huge advantage, just is the Slaves to Darkness army has big units don't add too much. Use the mystical terrain rules and GW terrain if available, it helps spice up the game. As far as objectives, I wouldn't bother, it'll be easier to just kill each other's armies and since you're both more melee focused there shouldn't be any risk of one player camping with guns. If you really want one, go for a battle plan with easy set up, set up 2 objectives in the middle and like 12 inches apart,  or maybe even try a narrative one, they aren't super balanced but they can be fun.

Good luck with the game. If you have any more questions, just ask. 

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