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Where to buy good file - UK based


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Recently I got a couple of old metal bolt throwers and I've never tried to remove mouldlines off metal models.  I understand that I will need to use a file but not sure where's the best place to get a file seeing as I want it to do a good job but will more than likely never use it for more than these two bolt throwers!

Thanks in advance

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You can still scrape with a blade like you would on plastic or resin, you just have to be a bit slower and more careful with metal, but it works rather well. After that any good small file should do; you can get loads on ebay for not much cost or head to a local hobby store or building/home DIY or even a garden centre. Most should have either individual small files or cheap sets of them. You don't have to get anything special as you're basically only doing a very small job so there isn't the pressure to have top end. 


Shape wise there's loads of variety and some shapes work better than others; for example a round file can be good at working in gaps in the model, whilst a flat file does well for most generalist areas. I'm also a fan of a flat pointed file (rather like an elongated triangle) with one side smooth and the other the file working area. The thinner tip lets you get it into more places whilst the long length and body lets you work with ease. The bare back of it meaning that you can work near otherparts without the back of the file doing damage (as you might get with a standard flat file  or round file)

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