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Help with new player!


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Hi there, 

I am a new player, only played 5 games and i have lost all of them. I am playing tzeentch and my opponents are playing stormcast and seraphon. I run LoC, Blue Scribes, Herold, Gaunt Summoner, Shaman, 9 Skyfires, 3x 10 pinks, 30 blues and Balewind Vortex. I have no experience in war gaming and my opponents have played for 20+ years. Would anyone be able to help me with some tips or tactics that will help me beat these guys? 

I have learned i pretty much never want to take the first turn so i can let them come to me and soften them up with spells before moving in to take the objective from them. I need to keep my units spread out so bastiladon doesnt ****** snakes on them. Keep my casters out of combat with bubbles of horrors and skyfires are only really good in combat on my turn so they get the rerolls to hit and wound. Dont bother trying to kill the bastiladon it has a mortal wound save and takes too much attention.

There was even talk of him bringing the Kroknado combo which i asked him to hold fire on till i at least win one game!

Thanks for any help here guys, its much appreciated.

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I would recommend looking at the Chaos forum for the tzeench let's chat if you haven't already, its a good place to get list feedback. Also I would talk to your opponents  during or after the game. I have learned a lot by talking through games. Hopefully they arn't jerks and want to help you get better. I tend to loose quite a few games before I get a feel on an army.

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