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Slaves to Darkness allegiance


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So I was building a simple 1k list, thinking I would need multiple heroes to apply the aura...

.. when i realised that it doesn't say the aura of chaos power expires at the end of the turn, or that the hero should remain within range of the unit for the effect to apply for the rest of the match.

Is it the case that you can apply the aura at the start of the game, say, and then walk your lord away and the effect continues?

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Wow... I'm just completely blown away at how I've misread this ability before now. I could've sworn heroes granted the ability in the hero phase, but nope, nowhere to be found.

So I would guess it's basically: The Aura of Chaos Power is a passive effect. Units get it as long as they are within 6" of a SLAVES TO DARKNESS HERO when the trigger condition is met.

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