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New Player - Battalion Question

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Hi Everyone, 

I'm looking to expand my tabletop games (I've been playing 30k and 40k for many years now), and I was looking at jumping into AoS. Did a little research, checked out some of the tools, got the app etc. 

Trying to plan my first army purchases (Still tossing up between Beastclaw Raiders, Skaven Pestilen, or Slaanesh Daemons), but I did notice something that has been causing me a little hiccup in my initial purchase planning;

I see each of these armies listed as having a "battalion" that comes in their various Start Collecting boxes, For example;

Beastclaw Raiders - Loshars Frostguard (Start Collecting) and Icewind Assault (Icewind Assault Battlebox)

Slaanesh - Cavalcade of Excess (Start Collecting)

However, in the online Warscroll Builder, and in my phone App, I can't find any of these "in the box" battalions to select when assembling my army list. 

Are they no longer valid? Do they only come on paper if you buy the box?

I've been trying to plan my first 1000 pts, and it looks like I'll be using Start Collecting boxes (and their Battalions), but I can't figure out if these intro-battalions are still in the game, and if so, how many points they cost, which is making planning my initial purchases a little harder than I'd hoped. 

Thank you for anyone who takes the time to help a newb out today. 


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Hi and welcome to the forum and hobby!

The Battalions that come in the various boxed sets are what you'd term "thematic" battalions and a great way for you and a mate to plonk some models onto a table.  None of them have matched play points so if you're looking to build a matched play army, sadly you're not able to use them.

Of course, matched play is only one of the ways you can play, you've also Open Play and Narrative Play (these are all laid out in the Generals Handbook supplement) and various grey areas in between.  However most people tend to play using matched play points.

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