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Plague furnace activating outside of 3''



A curiosity. Can the plague furnace (pestilens) use it's great censer in the combat phase even if it is outside of 3'', but close enough to hit enemy units with the aoe effect?  Or is it unable to activate at all in the combat phase since it is 'out of combat' ? I was told the latter. 


Optional follow-up: prayers aren't limited by the rule of one as far as I've been told: does that mean that a priest capable of casting two prayers can cast the same prayer twice?


Thanks :)

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54 minutes ago, Mayple said:

A curiosity. Can the plague furnace (pestilens) use it's great censer in the combat phase even if it is outside of 3'', but close enough to hit enemy units with the aoe effect?  Or is it unable to activate at all in the combat phase since it is 'out of combat' ? I was told the latter. 


Optional follow-up: prayers aren't limited by the rule of one as far as I've been told: does that mean that a priest capable of casting two prayers can cast the same prayer twice?


Thanks :)

Although the plague censer can affect things up to 5" away, it's not an ability but a melee weapon with special rules (it's listed as a melee weapon on the profile).

To use melee weapons in the combat phase, you must either have charged, or be within 3" of an enemy unit.

Prayers aren't spells so any limitations the rules place on spells don't have any effect.

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3 hours ago, BaldoBeardo said:

Although the plague censer can affect things up to 5" away, it's not an ability but a melee weapon with special rules (it's listed as a melee weapon on the profile).

To use melee weapons in the combat phase, you must either have charged, or be within 3" of an enemy unit.

Prayers aren't spells so any limitations the rules place on spells don't have any effect.

Ah. Makes sense.


To be clear on the prayer thing: are you saying I can cast the same prayer twice from the same source?

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1 hour ago, Mayple said:

Ah. Makes sense.


To be clear on the prayer thing: are you saying I can cast the same prayer twice from the same source?

Depends on the combination.

There's no universal rule saying you can't use the same prayer twice - but you'd be looking at specific wording of things on the priest's warscroll and whatever ability or artefact is allowing them to use two prayers to see if there's anything stopping you - as prayers are more a class of ability rather than a 'thing' defined in the rules.

Can't think of any examples off the top of my head though.

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5 hours ago, BaldoBeardo said:

Depends on the combination.

There's no universal rule saying you can't use the same prayer twice - but you'd be looking at specific wording of things on the priest's warscroll and whatever ability or artefact is allowing them to use two prayers to see if there's anything stopping you - as prayers are more a class of ability rather than a 'thing' defined in the rules.

Can't think of any examples off the top of my head though.

Was thinking about the clan pestilens liber bubonicus artifact, in this case.

Specific wording aside, it allows a pestilens priest to use their prayer ability twice. 

Which makes me wonder if I could use things like plague priest's wither, or plague furnace red fever (the pile-in after death one) prayers twice, or if it simply allows me to use the second prayer option they both have.

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On October 26, 2017 at 4:10 PM, Mayple said:

Was thinking about the clan pestilens liber bubonicus artifact, in this case.

Specific wording aside, it allows a pestilens priest to use their prayer ability twice. 

Which makes me wonder if I could use things like plague priest's wither, or plague furnace red fever (the pile-in after death one) prayers twice, or if it simply allows me to use the second prayer option they both have.

So in the case of the Furnace with the Liber bubonicus, it's really specific. It allows you to use Pestilent Prayers (the set of prayers on the priest scroll) and because the Furnace has the plague priest keyword, pray x2 off of it. None of this precludes you from Noxious Prayers , so you actually  get 3x prayers a turn.  1 off the furnace, 2 off the plague priest scroll.

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10 hours ago, HorseOnABeachBall said:

So in the case of the Furnace with the Liber bubonicus, it's really specific. It allows you to use Pestilent Prayers (the set of prayers on the priest scroll) and because the Furnace has the plague priest keyword, pray x2 off of it. None of this precludes you from Noxious Prayers , so you actually  get 3x prayers a turn.  1 off the furnace, 2 off the plague priest scroll.

Oh! Did not spot that! Thanks a lot :D

So by using  the pestilent prayers ability twice, does that mean I could, for example, use 'wither' with both of those? Just so that I'm absolutely sure

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