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unit coherency and piling in



I very likely misplayed this (though not too gravely, only got an extra stormvermin in) - so I should refresh my memory: if a unit looses coherency as a result of taking damage, it can no longer pile in, yes? Still attack and all that jazz, but no pily pily.

For context, I removed all my losses in the middle, creating a wide gap in a conga-lined unit, breaking cohesion. Then i piled in on the front end with one that was out of striking range. In hindsight I realised my mistake - it was a mistake, yes?

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3 answers to this question

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You're not alone in playing this wrong.  I see it quite frequently on YouTube battle reports being played wrong where a player will pile-in and end up out of unit cohesion.  Great that you caught yourself here.  Players want the advantage of piling in but also want the advantage of a buff hero or something and leave one model behind.

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As a freeguild player, this is super important. I usually have a T looking formation to keep the 6in requirement for the great company.  So I i take a lot of casualties I loose out on pile in but I gain shooting in the enemy charge phase. It confuses opponents when you intentionally break unit cohesion and lose the ability to pile in

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