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Path to Glory ...Convince This Skirmish Gamer

Mr. White

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As given in the title, so far I've been gaming AoS via Skirmish and Open Play. I like the low model count and the flexibility to add units via Rule of Cool.

The one thing that would make me possibly consider PtG though is that in Skirmish units such as Ghouls lose their summoning, but their reknown cost doesn't seem to reflect this loss. Is this also the case with PtG or does it more closely resemble the standard AoS ruleset?

Also, how many steps up in bookkeeping and complexity is PtG over Skirmish. I currently do most of my Skirmish gaming with my son and even then we often forget to take some things into account (command abilities or artifacts as examples).


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PtG is the standard game, it's just a special campaign. The idea is that you start with small forces like one hero and 1-2 units and then in battles your warband grows (or you upgrade your existing units). Levels of complexity and abilities you choose yourself as it suits you best, and this is great for developing exciting stories and characters. Like "Father, tell me the story of your vampire-lord deeds. Tell me how he gathered a mighty army having started just with a handful of black knights and dire wolves, and carved out an empire of his own".  I like this mode very much, it allows you to start slow and steady and without being in a hurry go on, developing your unique warband.

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