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High elf army prepping for first sigmar match


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Hi there ive got an high elf army im prepping/repainting and fixing toplay age of sigmar with.

have a planned match at my local GW in 15 days, i dont have to books cant buy them either for another 10 days...

could someone help me setup a 1000pt army?

or come with suggestions?

this is what i have.

8 silver helms
15 shadow warriors
11 phenix warriors
10 swordmasters
13 spearmen
10 white lions
10 dragon princes of caldor

3 melee heroes 
2 mages

1 prince on a dragon.


would really epically love any help/response on this! 

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Here ya go mate.



10x Highborn Spearmen

5x Highborn Silver Helms

5x Dragon Blades

10x Swordmasters


For future, you can use Warscroll Builder to pretty quickly build up lists for free. You just need to have an understanding of how the army building process works. In general if you set the points to the right level, it'll tell you appropriate minimums and maximums for various categories. The only more complex thing to understand is how Battleline units work. Some units are always battleline, other units are battleline based on certain requirements (Usually requirement meaning your entire army comes from one faction).

Suggest spending some time with the Generals Handbook to read up on how army building works, great buy for only $55AUD (Or however much it is in your currency).

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6 minutes ago, someone2040 said:

Here ya go mate.



10x Highborn Spearmen

5x Highborn Silver Helms

5x Dragon Blades

10x Swordmasters


For future, you can use Warscroll Builder to pretty quickly build up lists for free. You just need to have an understanding of how the army building process works. In general if you set the points to the right level, it'll tell you appropriate minimums and maximums for various categories. The only more complex thing to understand is how Battleline units work. Some units are always battleline, other units are battleline based on certain requirements (Usually requirement meaning your entire army comes from one faction).

Suggest spending some time with the Generals Handbook to read up on how army building works, great buy for only $55AUD (Or however much it is in your currency).

Omg thankyou!! 

This is so much help. :)) gonna buy all dem books. :)) in pdf format too.  I will need them.


I also got an orcs and goblins plus a ogre kingdoms army which both are bigger. My plan is to complete the armies and make a stepbystep booklet with combat phases and options for each army during each phase.

essentially making a bookdriven more boardgame like setting to make it available to play for friends with no prerequired knowledge what so ever. 


But first i have a whole lot of painting and self educating to do. And this helps me so much to get started on all fronts at the same time.

many thanks ?

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